- Static HTML page with basic data
- Student Internship Blog
- Ongoing projects in the CSE dept.
- Create different sections for coding and dev club with subheadings.
- Contact Us form gets mailed to someone. Email: [email protected]
- Team dropdown in navbar displays the following items in order: current team, 2015-16 team, 2014-15 team. Each opens on a new page.
- Create page for events. Displayed like a timeline from latest onwards. Each event links to photos of that event on a new page.
- Gallery page. One image as a representative for each event. Clicking on it opens the event photos on a new page. Refer http://ees.iitd.ac.in/gallery.html
- create a new file called .env
- Open your .env file and define these env variables, then save it:
- MONGO_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/clementinejs
- PORT=8080
- APP_URL=http://localhost:8080/
- In your terminal, install MongoDB by entering:
- sudo apt-get install mongodb-org
- then start MongoDB by entering:
- mongod --smallfiles
- in a different terminal enter:
- npm install
- Run node server.js to start the server