Planning as a service (PaaS) provides an extendable API to deploy planners online in local or cloud servers. The service
provides a queue manager to control a set of workers, which
can easily be extended with one of several planners available
- Get sources
git clone
cd planning-as-a-service/server
- Create an .env file in the server folder:
Please create a new environment file called .env, and set up the following variable. You can reference the provided .env.example
- FLOWER_USERNAME=username #Flower Moinitor Username
- FLOWER_PASSWORD=password #Flower Moinitor Password
- MAX_MEMORY_PER_DOCKER_WORKER=4096M #Max memory each Celery worker/container can consume
- WORKER_NUMBERS=12 #Number of Celery worker/containers
- TIME_LIMIT=30 #Time limit per celery task in seconds
- MYSQL_USER=user #Metadata DB user
- CELERY_RESULT_EXPIRE=86400 #Time for when after stored task results will be deleted on Redis
- FLOWER_MONITOR_MAX_TASKS=10000 # Maximum tasks log that will be kept on Flower
- Start Docker:
# make sure you are in the server folder to run the makefile
cd server
sudo make
This will build the latest Planutils Image and install all the selected solvers. You can edit the Dockerfile to update the available solvers.
Then it will expose the Flask application's endpoints on port
as well as a Flower server for monitoring workers on port5555
To add more workers:
docker compose up -d --scale worker=5 --no-recreate
To shut down:
docker compose down
To change the endpoints, update the code in api/
Task changes should happen in queue/
Please be aware that the current Singularity docker image is not compatible with the new Mac M1 CPU.
- Planning solver: localhost:5001/solver/
- Queue Monitor: localhost:5555
- Package API:
- Manifest API: The required arguments for the POST request are defined in the Planutils package manifests, and can be easily viewed at:
Assuming you are in the server/
sudo apt-get install redis-server
sudo service redis-server start
virtualenv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
New terminal (If you are using vscode, do CTRL+SHIFT+`
to open a new terminal)
Run Flask:
source env/bin/activate
cd api
New terminal and start celery:
source env/bin/activate
cd celery-queue
celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
New Terminal and start flower (queue monitoring):
source env/bin/activate
cd celery-queue
flower -A tasks --port=5555 --broker=redis://localhost:6379/0
Go to server
folder and open vscode
. Install vscode first. Note that this assumes you have started celery and flower as instructed above.
cd server
code . &
Go to the debug symbol add breakpoints and debug as shown below:
A simple python script to send a POST request to the lama-first planner, getting back stdout, stderr, and the generated plan:
import requests
import time
from pprint import pprint
req_body = {
"domain":"(define (domain BLOCKS) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (on ?x ?y) (ontable ?x) (clear ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) ) (:action pick-up :parameters (?x) :precondition (and (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty)) :effect (and (not (ontable ?x)) (not (clear ?x)) (not (handempty)) (holding ?x))) (:action put-down :parameters (?x) :precondition (holding ?x) :effect (and (not (holding ?x)) (clear ?x) (handempty) (ontable ?x))) (:action stack :parameters (?x ?y) :precondition (and (holding ?x) (clear ?y)) :effect (and (not (holding ?x)) (not (clear ?y)) (clear ?x) (handempty) (on ?x ?y))) (:action unstack :parameters (?x ?y) :precondition (and (on ?x ?y) (clear ?x) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?x) (clear ?y) (not (clear ?x)) (not (handempty)) (not (on ?x ?y)))))",
"problem":"(define (problem BLOCKS-4-0) (:domain BLOCKS) (:objects D B A C ) (:INIT (CLEAR C) (CLEAR A) (CLEAR B) (CLEAR D) (ONTABLE C) (ONTABLE A) (ONTABLE B) (ONTABLE D) (HANDEMPTY)) (:goal (AND (ON D C) (ON C B) (ON B A))) )"
# Send job request to solve endpoint"http://localhost:5001/package/lama-first/solve", json=req_body).json()
# Query the result in the job'http://localhost:5001' + solve_request_url['result'])
while celery_result.json().get("status","")== 'PENDING':
# Query the result every 0.5 seconds while the job is executing'http://localhost:5001' + solve_request_url['result'])
This python code will run a POST solve request on the lama-first solver, and return the link to access the result from the celery queue. In the meantime, the program polls for the task to be completed, and prints out the returned json when it is.
If you want to use an adaptor to parse the returned plan files, you can specify the arguments when processing the job result:
# Query the result in the job'http://localhost:5001' + solve_request_url['result'], json={"adaptor":"planning_editor_adaptor"} )
- Note: This script needs to be run in the same environment as the docker container
Install a planner available in planutils by adding the installation line in the worker dockerfile.
RUN planutils install -f -y dual-bfws-ffparser
To learn how to setup a new planner in planutils, see the information in planuitls github repo
If you want to edit the plugin exposing the service to the online editor, take a look at the plugin codebase
A basic Docker Compose template for orchestrating a Flask application & a Celery queue with Redis
Docker structure adapted from