Simple BMI Calculator App Created By @BaddourAbdallah Using Ionic Framework.
This was one from the first apps i created while learning Ionic Framework, and the first app we made in class while learning Android 3 years ago.
The App has 2 Tabs:
1.Calculate the BMI of the user and how much he should eat per day:
2.Use Nutritionix API to get calories in item that user enter in the search bar:
To setup the app:
1.First create a new blank ionic project:
$ ionic start [appname] blank
2.Replace folders/files of my project in the blank project you just create in the www folder.
3.Insatll ngMessages.
4.Insatll sass:
$ ionic setup sass
5.To build and run the app on android:
$ ionic platform add android
$ ionic run android
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