This repository contains the source code for an online drive platform developed as a project for CMPS 278-Web Programming and Design, Spring 2023/2024, at the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Department of Computer Science.
The project aims to create a web-based drive platform similar to Google Drive, incorporating various functionalities and technologies covered in the course.
- User authentication (sign-up, sign-in, forgot password)
- Responsive design for compatibility across devices
- User profile display with personalized greeting
- Homepage showcasing recently accessed documents and folders
- List and grid layout options for files and folders
- File information display including name, owner, upload date, and location
- Filtering options by file type, shared users, and location
- Contextual menu for file/folder interaction (sharing, downloading, renaming, etc.)
- Bulk actions for multiple files/folders (deletion, relocation)
- Search functionality by name or content with advanced options
- Navigation menu for easy access to different sections
- Folder viewing to explore contents
- Sorting options for files and folders
- File type identification with appropriate logos
This project was developed as part of CMPS 278-Web Programming and Design course at the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Department of Computer Science.