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Fixes centroid connector creation (#584)
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* Fixes centroid connector creation

* Fixes centroid connector creation

* Fixes centroid connector creation

* Update


Co-authored-by: pveigadecamargo <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Renata Imai <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Nov 1, 2024
1 parent 692579c commit 523611d
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Showing 5 changed files with 57 additions and 104 deletions.
113 changes: 29 additions & 84 deletions aequilibrae/project/network/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,122 +1,67 @@
from math import pi, sqrt
from sqlite3 import Connection
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2, whiten
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import shapely.wkb
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Polygon
from aequilibrae.utils.db_utils import commit_and_close


def connector_creation(
geo, zone_id: int, srid: int, mode_id: str, network, link_types="", connectors=1, conn_: Optional[Connection] = None
zone_id: int,
mode_id: str,
conn_: Optional[Connection] = None,
delimiting_area: Polygon = None,
if len(mode_id) > 1:
raise Exception("We can only add centroid connectors for one mode at a time")

with conn_ or commit_and_close(network.project.connect()) as conn:
with conn_ or commit_and_close(network.project.path_to_file) as conn:
logger = network.project.logger
if conn.execute("select count(*) from nodes where node_id=?", [zone_id]).fetchone() is None:
if sum(conn.execute("select count(*) from nodes where node_id=?", [zone_id]).fetchone()) == 0:
logger.warning("This centroid does not exist. Please create it first")

proj_nodes = network.nodes
node = proj_nodes.get(zone_id)
sql = "select count(*) from links where a_node=? and instr(modes,?) > 0"
if conn.execute(sql, [zone_id, mode_id]).fetchone()[0] > 0:
logger.warning("Mode is already connected")

if len(link_types) > 0:
lt = f"*[{link_types}]*"
lt = "".join([x[0] for x in conn.execute("Select link_type_id from link_types").fetchall()])
lt = f"*[{lt}]*"
proj_nodes =

sql = """select node_id, ST_asBinary(geometry), modes, link_types from nodes where ST_Within(geometry, GeomFromWKB(?, ?)) and
(nodes.rowid in (select rowid from SpatialIndex where f_table_name = 'nodes' and
search_frame = GeomFromWKB(?, ?)))
and link_types glob ? and instr(modes, ?)>0"""
centroid = proj_nodes.query("node_id == @zone_id") # type: gpd.GeoDataFrame
centroid = centroid.rename(columns={"node_id": "zone_id"})[["zone_id", "geometry"]]

# We expand the area by its average radius until it is 20 times
# beginning with a strict search within the zone
buffer = 0
increase = sqrt(geo.area / pi)
dt = []
while dt == [] and buffer <= increase * 10:
wkb = geo.buffer(buffer).wkb
dt = conn.execute(sql, [wkb, srid, wkb, srid, lt, mode_id]).fetchall()
buffer += increase
nodes = proj_nodes.query("is_centroid != 1 and modes.str.contains(@mode_id)", engine="python")

if buffer > increase:
msg = f"Could not find node inside zone {zone_id}. Search area was expanded until we found a suitable node"
if dt == []:
f"FAILED! Could not find suitable nodes to connect within 5 times the diameter of zone {zone_id}."

coords = []
nodes = []
for node_id, wkb, modes, link_types in dt:
geo = shapely.wkb.loads(wkb)
coords.append([geo.x, geo.y])

num_connectors = connectors
if len(nodes) == 0:
raise Exception("We could not find any candidate nodes that satisfied your criteria")
elif len(nodes) < connectors:
f"We have fewer possible nodes than required connectors for zone {zone_id}. Will connect all of them."
num_connectors = len(nodes)

if num_connectors == len(coords):
all_nodes = nodes
features = np.array(coords)
whitened = whiten(features)
centroids, allocation = kmeans2(whitened, num_connectors)
if len(link_types) > 0:
nodes = nodes[nodes.link_types.str.contains("|".join(list(link_types)))]

all_nodes = set()
for i in range(num_connectors):
nds = [x for x, y in zip(nodes, list(allocation)) if y == i]
centr = centroids[i]
positions = [x for x, y in zip(whitened, allocation) if y == i]
if positions:
dist = cdist(np.array([centr]), np.array(positions)).flatten()
node_to_connect = nds[dist.argmin()]
if delimiting_area is not None:
nodes = nodes[nodes.geometry.within(delimiting_area)]

nds = list(all_nodes)
data = [zone_id] + nds
sql = f'select b_node from links where a_node=? and b_node in ({",".join(["?"] * len(nds))})'
data = [x[0] for x in conn.execute(sql, data).fetchall()]
if nodes.empty:
zone_id = centroid["zone_id"].values[0]
logger.warning(f"No nodes found for centroid {zone_id} (mode {mode_id} and link types {link_types})")

if data:
qry = ",".join(["?"] * len(data))
dt = [mode_id, zone_id] + data
conn.execute(f"Update links set modes=modes || ? where a_node=? and b_node in ({qry})", dt)
nds = [x for x in nds if x not in data]
logger.warning(f"Mode {mode_id} added to {len(data)} existing centroid connectors for zone {zone_id}")
joined = nodes[["node_id", "geometry"]].sjoin_nearest(centroid, distance_col="distance_connector")
joined = joined.nsmallest(connectors, "distance_connector")

centr_geo = centroid.geometry.values[0]
links = network.links
for node_to_connect in nds:
for _, rec in joined.iterrows():
link =
node_to = proj_nodes.get(node_to_connect)
link.geometry = LineString([node.geometry, node_to.geometry])
link.geometry = LineString([centr_geo, rec.geometry])
link.modes = mode_id
link.direction = 0
link.link_type = "centroid_connector" = f"centroid connector zone {zone_id}"
link.capacity_ab = INFINITE_CAPACITY
link.capacity_ba = INFINITE_CAPACITY
if nds:
logger.warning(f"{len(nds)} new centroid connectors for mode {mode_id} added for centroid {zone_id}")
if not joined.empty:
logger.warning(f"{joined.shape[0]} new centroid connectors for mode {mode_id} added for centroid {zone_id}")
19 changes: 13 additions & 6 deletions aequilibrae/project/network/
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Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,14 @@ def __save_existing_node(self):
sql = f"Update Nodes set {txts}"
return data, sql

def connect_mode(self, area: Polygon, mode_id: str, link_types="", connectors=1, conn: Optional[Connection] = None):
def connect_mode(
mode_id: str,
conn: Optional[Connection] = None,
area: Optional[Polygon] = None,
"""Adds centroid connectors for the desired mode to the network file
Centroid connectors are created by connecting the zone centroid to one or more nodes selected from
Expand All @@ -129,28 +136,28 @@ def connect_mode(self, area: Polygon, mode_id: str, link_types="", connectors=1,
If fewer candidates than required connectors are found, all candidates are connected.
**area** (:obj:`Polygon`): Initial area where AequilibraE will look for nodes to connect
**mode_id** (:obj:`str`): Mode ID we are trying to connect
**link_types** (:obj:`str`, *Optional*): String with all the link type IDs that can
be considered. eg: yCdR. Defaults to ALL link types
**connectors** (:obj:`int`, *Optional*): Number of connectors to add. Defaults to 1
**area** (:obj:`Polygon`, *Optional*): Area limiting the search for connectors
if self.is_centroid != 1 or self.__original__["is_centroid"] != 1:
self._logger.warning("Connecting a mode only makes sense for centroids and not for regular nodes")


def __setattr__(self, instance, value) -> None:
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21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions aequilibrae/project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,18 +90,16 @@ def add_centroid(self, point: Point, robust=True) -> None:
data = [self.zone_id, point.wkb, self.__srid__]
conn.execute(sql, data)

def connect_mode(self, mode_id: str, link_types="", connectors=1, conn: Optional[Connection] = None) -> None:
def connect_mode(
self, mode_id: str, link_types="", connectors=1, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, limit_to_zone=True
) -> None:
"""Adds centroid connectors for the desired mode to the network file
Centroid connectors are created by connecting the zone centroid to one or more nodes selected from
all those that satisfy the mode and link_types criteria and are inside the zone.
The selection of the nodes that will be connected is done simply by computing running the
`KMeans2 <>`_
clustering algorithm from SciPy and selecting the nodes closest to each cluster centroid.
When there are no node candidates inside the zone, the search area is progressively expanded until
at least one candidate is found.
The selection of the nodes that will be connected is done simply by searching for the node closest to the
zone centroid, or the N closest nodes to the centroid.
If fewer candidates than required connectors are found, all candidates are connected.
Expand All @@ -112,16 +110,21 @@ def connect_mode(self, mode_id: str, link_types="", connectors=1, conn: Optional
eg: yCdR. Defaults to ALL link types
**connectors** (:obj:`int`, *Optional*): Number of connectors to add. Defaults to 1
**conn** (:obj:`sqlite3.Connection`, *Optional*): Connection to the database.
**limit_to_zone** (:obj:`bool`): Limits the search for nodes inside the zone. Defaults to ``True``.

area = self.geometry if limit_to_zone else None

def disconnect_mode(self, mode_id: str) -> None:
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions docs/source/examples/creating_models/
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# %%
# When connecting a centroid not associated with a zone, we need to tell AequilibraE what is the initial area around
# the centroid that needs to be considered when looking for candidate nodes.
# Distance here is in degrees, so 0.01 is equivalent to roughly 1.1km
airport.connect_mode(airport.geometry.buffer(0.01), mode_id="c", link_types="ytrusP", connectors=1)
airport.connect_mode(mode_id="c", link_types="ytrusP", connectors=1)

# %%
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions tests/aequilibrae/project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,9 +154,8 @@ def test_connect_mode(self):
self.assertIsNot(0, curr.fetchone()[0], "failed to add connectors for mode t")

# Cannot connect a centroid that does not exist
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
zone2 = zones.get(2)
zone2 = zones.get(2)
zone2.connect_mode("c", conn=self.proj.conn)

def test_disconnect_mode(self):
Expand Down

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