Implemented in C# (.NET Framework 4.6.1) adhering to the Federal Information Processing Standard for digital signatures algorithm.
To get some help concerning the use of CLI utility, type:
cmd> DSAcli --help
or just cmd> DSAcli help
The output:
DSA CLI Utility
Copyright (C) 2017. Developed by BARBARII Veaceslav
keygen Generates DSA public/private key-pair of the specified bit-length.
sign Enforces digital signing of data with the specified DSA key-pair.
ver Enforces verification of digital signature of data using DSA public key.
help Display more information on a specific command.
version Display version information.
For more information related to each command verb, type:
cmd> DSAcli help verb
, wherein verb can be either keygen
, enc
or dec
The output:
DSA CLI Utility
Copyright (C) 2017. Developed by BARBARII Veaceslav
DSA Key-Pair Generation:
DSAcli keygen --prefix "Your Key Name Prefix" --size 1024
-s, --size (Default: 1024) Specifies bit-length (integer value) of the DSA [p] factor (the [q] length will be automatically adjusted). Both [p]
and [q] are part of DSA public key. Allowed values: 1024, 2048, 3072. Recommended value: 1024. For [p]=1024, [q]=160; For [p]=2048,
[q]=224; For [p]=3072, [q]=256.
-p, --prefix The Prefix of Output Filenames. Example of generated filenames: {Prefix}-{1024}bits.public {Prefix}-{1024}bits.private
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.