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Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


This is an update of a very early version of GraphBLAS-accelerated Spark, first presented by Suijlen and Yzelman in 2019 [1]. This version now compiles against ALP v0.7. This code is a starting point for developing ALP/Spark, which is to be a more thorough wrapper layer between ALP and Spark, with the aim of supporting all algorithms that ALP currently provides. This README and code base will be under significant flux as we work to achieve this goal, and in particular while we test our approach for Spark 3.x and more recent JDKs and Scala distributions. Therefore please consider this repository as a highly experimental code base, at present.


At present, this code was tested to work with ALP shared-memory backend; testing with the hybrid backend is ongoing.

Compile-time dependencies

  • LPF, for distributed execution; this, in turn, needs an MPI installation
  • ALP
  • JDK 11 or higher
  • Scala SDK version 2.13
  • Apache Spark 3.4



LPF is the communication layer ALP build atop for the sparse backends. It requires an MPI installation to be available. Theoretically all MPI implementations should work properly; however, OpenMPI does not currently work in practice due to a pending bug (at the time of writing - see OpenMPI's GitHub issue). Therefore, we strongly advise to use MPICH-derived implementations, although this may be different from the MPI implementation bundled with your network adapter (e.g., OFED). If an IBverbs library is available, the performance cost of a non-optimized MPI implementation should be negligible when using the ibverbs engine.

You may compile it with the usual CMake workflow, optionally specifying several LPF-related options

git clone
cd LPF
mkdir build
export LPF_INSTALL_PATH=$(pwd)/install
MPI_HOME=<path to MPI implementation> ../ --prefix=${LPF_INSTALL_PATH} --disable-doc -DLPF_HWLOC=/usr/lib/$(uname -i)-linux-gnu/ -DLIB_IBVERBS=/usr/lib/$(uname -i)-linux-gnu/
make -j$(nprocs) install


  • LPF_HWLOC points to the HWloc library (usually in /usr/lib/$(uname -i)-linux-gnu/)
  • LIB_IBVERBS points to the IBverbs library (for InfiniBand devices only)


You can install and build ALP from the GitHub repository, following the instructions in its README. For a distributed setup, the spark_fixes branch is needed, as it stores several modifications (to be integrated) for this scenario. In summary, you should clone, configure, build and install it according to a usual CMake workflow:

git clone -b spark_fixes
cd ALP
mkdir build
cd build
export GRB_INSTALL_PATH=$(pwd)/install
../ --prefix=${GRB_INSTALL_PATH} --with-lpf=${LPF_INSTALL_PATH}
make install -j$(nproc)

Note that you can change the argument of the --prefix option to install ALP in any (empty) folder you may choose, and the --with-lpf option serves to point ALP to the LPF installation. For simplicity, from now on we will call the installation path as GRB_INSTALL_PATH.

JDK 11

You may tipically install JDK 11 from the packge management tool of your Linux distribution; e.g., in Ubuntu 20.04 apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk. As an alternative, you can download it from the Oracle website and then add it conveniently to your PATH environment variable.

The build infrastructure assumes the javac command is available in the environment.

Scala 2.13

You can follow the dedicated guide to install it and add it to your environment, in particular via the Coursier CLI.

The build infrastructure assumes the scalac command is available in the environment.

Apache Spark 3.4

You may follow the official download instructions, in particular selecting the package prebuilt for Scala 2.13 (2nd step of the selection procedure). A direct link to the file is (may change over time though).

Once you have downloaded the package, you can extract it via the tar utility, e.g.:

tar -xf spark-3.4.0-bin-hadoop3-scala2.13.tgz

This extracts a directory spark-3.4.0-bin-hadoop3-scala2.13, whose path we will from now on indicate with SPARK_HOME. Inside this path should be all the Spark components:

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Compilation & installation

You should first clone this repository on this branch and enter the folder, if you haven't done so yet:

git clone -b alp_spark_distributed
cd Spark

From now on, we will assume the ALP/Spark prototype to be in the directory ALP_SPARK_PATH.

To compile the ALP/Spark prototype, two steps are needed, namely configuration and compilation. These are detailed in the following.


ALP/Spark needs to know the path of the Spark installation, that of the ALP installation and finally the that of LPF installation. Both paths should be manually written in the file ${ALP_SPARK_PATH}/config.conf, as values for the variables SPARK_HOME, GRB_INSTALL_PATH and LPF_INSTALL_PATH. Other variables usually do not need changes. Another important setting to consider is LPF_ENGINE, i.e., the LPF engine to be used, by default set to mpimsg; this choice ensures best interoperability because it leverages whatever communication channel the MPI installation can work with, but may not guarantee best performance. A better alternative for performance is the ibverbs engine, if available within LPF. You may refer to the comments inside ${ALP_SPARK_PATH}/config.conf for more details.


Simply issue make to produce build/graphBLAS.jar and build/ This command also produces the LPF-Java wrapper, i.e. the command spawning Java process as LPF processes (needed for distributed execution), stored in the ${ALP_SPARK_PATH}/lpf_java_wrapper directory. Finally, it prints some options that should be manually inserted in the configuration file for spark executors ${SPARK_HOME}/conf/spark-defaults.conf. Thes options add the JNI lookup paths to execute ALP native code from within the Spark application.

Running examples

You first need to start Apache Spark in standalone or cluster mode, for which you may refer to the official guide.

As an example, Spark standalone mode allows manually spawning workers to multiple machines by listing the hostnames in ${SPARK_HOME}/conf/workers.conf. Once this file is populated, the easiest way to start it standalone, is:


Then you can submit ALP/Spark jobs to this master as normal Spark jobs. The script ${ALP_SPARK_PATH}/ contains several examples to be selected via the command line, numbered 1 to 6:

  1. initialises the Spark/ALP setup, for debugging purposes
  2. run PageRank in pure Spark implementation
  3. run Pagerank in ALP/Spark implementation, reading the input file directly from ALP
  4. run Pagerank in ALP/Spark implementation, reading the input file in Spark and then passing the data to ALP via a normal Spark RDD
  5. run GraphX Pagerank, uncorrected (i.e., with uncorrect values for dangling nodes)
  6. run GraphX Pagerank, corrected

The example matrix used in the script is gyro_m from the SuitSparse Matrix Collection, read in Matrix Market format. The quickest way to run, e.g., example 3 is

tar -xf gyro_m.tar.gz
./ 3

Then, you may see the Spark log on the standard output, with information about the PageRank results. More options are available for the / script, which you may see with

./ --help

for example, to run example 4., with 192 partitions for the input RDD, persisting data in ./spark_persistence and analyzing ./matrices/gyro_m/gyro_m.mtx:

./ --partitions 192 --persistence ./spark_persistence --dataset ./matrices/gyro_m/gyro_m.mtx 4