- Setup & Installation
- Page Structure
- Styling
- Style Guidelines - coming soon
- Content with Contentful - coming soon
- Setup a Content-Model - coming soon
- Add Content/Media Assets - coming soon
###:snowflake: Environment setup for new, clean AWS instances
Install Git (hopefully you have this already).
sudo apt-get install git
Install nvm for using node without sudo and the ability to switch between node versions.
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/install.sh | bash
Close and reopen your terminal.
Now we will install and update Nodejs and npm:
nvm install v4.2.1
npm i npm -g
Clone website source files, change into new directory, and install your node dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/maddevelopmentco/website.alliedbuildings.com.git
cd website.alliedbuildings.com/
npm i
Run build for front-end scripts, fonts, and styles:
npm run build
Update repositories:
sudo apt-get update
Install nginx:
sudo apt-get install nginx
Create config file and open in your editor:
sudo touch /etc/nginx/sites-available/allied
sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/allied
Insert the script below:
upstream alliedsteelbuildings {
keepalive 8;
server {
server_name alliedsteelbuildings.com alliedsteelbuildings;
access_log /var/log/nginx/allied.log;
# pass the request to the node.js server with the correct headers
# and much more can be added, see nginx config options
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
proxy_pass http://alliedsteelbuildings/;
proxy_redirect off;
Save and exit
Switch directories and create a shortcut to the new config file:
cd ../sites-enabled
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/allied allied
Remove default shortcut to nginx homepage:
sudo rm default
Restart your server and cd into the main website directory:
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
cd /home/ubuntu/website.alliedbuildings.com/
Install pm2 for managing instances, keeping website alive after crushes:
npm install pm2 -g
Start the website:
pm2 start app.json
Logs are located here: /home/ubuntu/.pm2/logs/
Live website logs can be viewed by running this script in your terminal:
pm2 logs 0 --timestamp "HH:mm:ss"
###:fire: Environment setup for regular updates (update scripts, styles)
If you have not cloned and setup this repo, do so first:
git clone https://github.com/maddevelopmentco/website.alliedbuildings.com.git
cd website.alliedbuildings.com/
npm i
npm run build
Before any updates are staged or pushed live, remember to start by pulling any recent changed to the master:
git pull origin master
Restart Instances
pm2 restart 0
pm2 restart 1
For watching real time logs
pm2 logs 0 --timestamp "HH:mm:ss"
###:construction_worker: Environment setup when working in development
If you have not cloned and setup this repo, do so first:
git clone https://github.com/maddevelopmentco/website.alliedbuildings.com.git
cd website.alliedbuildings.com/
npm i
Before any updates are staged or pushed live, remember to start by pulling any recent changed to the master:
git pull origin master
Start your server. View at localhost:3000.
node index.js
New pages can be created following typical steps for React-Redux applications. Content is hosted and served via the Contenful content manager and api. However, Contenful is not required to create and launch new pages. Instructions for both methods can be found below. Documentation for node-friendly Contentful can be found here. Further instructions for uploading content coming soon.
####These are the files and directories we will be working with:
Create New | Update Existing |
public/src/components/new-page/ |
routes/server-routes.js |
public/src/components/new-page/NewPage.jsx |
routes/content.js |
public/src/components/new-page/index.jsx |
public/src/routes.jsx |
public/styles/src/partials/newpage.scss |
public/styles/src/style.scss |
utils/loaders/newpage.js |
In this walk through we will be creating a new page to house our company's testimonials.
First, create a new component folder called testimonials
and the required index and component file for the new page. Note that component files should be CamelCase. ๐ซ
mkdir public/src/components/testimonials/
touch public/src/components/testimonials/index.jsx public/src/components/testimonials/Testimonials.jsx
Within the index.jsx
file insert this script:
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import Header from '../Header';
import Footer from '../Footer';
class Testimonials extends React.Component {
render() {
const {hash, pathname, query, search} = this.props.location;
const {deviceType, width} = this.props;
const headerFooterProps = {hash, pathname, query, search, deviceType, width};
return (
<div id="wrapper">
<Header {...headerFooterProps}/>
<p>All my content goes after the div tag above...</p>
<Footer {...headerFooterProps}/>
export default MyComponent;
Next, add a new route (url path) for the page in the routes/server-routes.js
router.get('/testimonials', (req, res, next)=> {
req.isServerRequest = true;
Then, in the public/src/routes.jsx
file, import the index.jsx
file and add the path of the new component:
import Testimonials from "./components/testimonials/index.jsx";
<Route path="testimonials" component={Testimonials} />
๐บ Note that you must setup your new content-model and applicable content and media in Contenful prior to following the steps below. ๐บ
To serve content from Contentful, add a data loader into utils/loaders
for the testimonial content-model.
touch utils/loaders/testimonials.js
Then insert the script below. Note that your content-model (testimonials) should be called using kebabCase. ๐ข
import client from '../contentful/contentfulClient';
export default (req, res, next) => {
content_type: 'testimonials',
limit: 1,
.then(testimonials=> {
let exampleType = cmsExampleType.toPlainObject().items[0];
if (req.isServerRequest) {
req.dependentEntries = [{exampleType}];
return next();
} else {
return res.json({exampleType});
This allows us to fetch the stored content. In this example the key is exampleType
. This is the key that is called to render this content on the front-end, in the component index.jsx
The data/dependency response will look something like this, depending on your content-model structure:
exampleType: {
sys: {
//contentful system fields
fields: {
//predefined fields from cms
If this request is the first for the user and markup is needed (in addition to the json/data) all data will be stored in the request and populated in the Redux store in the next nodeJS middleware.
Add simple React Component into front-end part in folder: public/src/components/new-example-page
import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react';
import Header from '../Header';
import Footer from '../Footer';
import * as Actions from '../../actions/Actions';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
class Testimonials extends Component {
static propTypes = {
content: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired
componentDidMount() {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
//key which we try to retrieve from the redux store should be same as the key we defined in the step 1
if (!this.props.content.testimonials) {
//string into getContent function has to be same as the route which we defined in the step 3
render() {
if (!this.props.content.testimonials) return (<noscript />);
const {hash, pathname, query, search} = this.props.location;
const {deviceType, width} = this.props;
const headerFooterProps = {hash, pathname, query, search, deviceType, width};
return (
<div id="wrapper">
<Header {...headerFooterProps}/>
<Footer {...headerFooterProps}/>
export default connect(state => ({content: state.content}))(TestimonialsContainer)
Next, add a new route (url path) for the page in the routes/server-routes.js
router.get('/testimonials', (req, res, next)=> {
req.isServerRequest = true;
testimonials(req, res, next);
In the same file, import the new loader:
import testimonials from "../utils/loaders/testimonials";
Then, in the routes/content.js
file add the route:
router.get('/testimonials', (req, res, next) => testimonials(req, res, next));
Finally, in the public/src/routes.jsx
file, import the index.jsx
file and add the path of the new component:
import Testimonials from "./components/testimonials/index.jsx";
//further down include:
<Route path="testimonials" component={Testimonials} />
Stylesheets, fonts, and vendor styles are are located in the public/styles
folder. Our stylesheets use SASS to preprocess. ๐
When creating new pages, it is recommended to follow the React-style and create new stylesheets specific to the new page. Instead, add your page-specific styles to a new .scss file like so:
touch public/styles/src/testimonials.scss
When completed, be sure to import this new stylesheet into the master:
echo "@import 'testimonials';" >> public/styles/src/style.scss
Allied is a global leader in steel construction, developing solutions for every industry. From aviation to warehouses and everything in between, trust Allied to be with you all the way.
The names and logos for Allied are trademarks of Allied Steel Buildings, Inc. We love open source software.