A two layers multiple layers perceptron.
All my work is transport it from python to C++.
It just prove that C++ can do machine/deep learning better than python.
U can download the python version on https://www.ituring.com.cn/book/1921
And here's another version which is from my best friend: https://github.com/EternalSaga/simple-two-layers-mlp
He is really a master in this kind of staff.
System : Windows 10
IDE : Visual Studio 2017
LangVer : C++ 17
Database : minst
Boost 1.71.0: For Endian Library Click here to find more
Eigen: For matrix manipulation Click here to find more
MKL: If u wanna the code run faster than python, then u'll need this Click here to find more
This project(C++):
0.0005s average time per iteration;
origin project(PYTHON):
0.0013s average time per iteration;