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Instructions for setting up GA4GH standard implementations to demonstrate a eLwazi pilot use case


The aim is to set up three servers that would mimic (and finaly be) instances that runs on the Ilifu infrastructure, Mali ACE infrastructure and Ugande ACE infrastructure.

The idea is to make use of three GA4GH standards, Data Connnect, DRS and WES. The plan is to later incorporate Passports in the design.

The user case would be. We will make use of the 1000 Genome data. We've selected the ACE2 region from the full genome CRAMs, indexed those to create a more working version of the data. We divided the data into three batches and the DRS and Data Connect servers will therefor just host a specific batch at the corresponding instances. A user would query the Data Connect servers, select the DRS CRAM objects based on the query and submit those to a WES endpoint. Queries on Data Connect can be done using sample id, population group, super population group and sex. The WES endpoint will process some stats on the CRAM files and generate a combined MultiQC report.

Instructions on individual steps

Data Connect setup

Part where we prepare DRS CRAM and CRAI ids to be added to database

gerrit@ga4gh-starter-kit:/share/elwazi$ for i in `cut -d ' ' -f 1 1000GP_Phase3.sample.ilifu`;do \
cram=`ls /share/elwazi/crams/$i/$i*.cram`; crai=`ls /share/elwazi/crams/$i/$i*.cram.crai`; \
crammd5sum=`echo -n $crai | md5sum | cut -f 1 -d ' '`; craimd5sum=`echo -n $crai | md5sum | cut -f 1 -d ' '`; \
echo -e "$i\tdrs://$crammd5sum\tdrs://$craimd5sum"; \
done > 1000GP_Phase3.sample.ilifu.drs

Data Connect Microservices Setup on Ilifu Server

We intended create three server instance for the data connect, one in Mali, Uganda and the last one in ilifu server.

Ilifu Server set up setup

The GA4GH Standards Steering Committee approved the Data Connect API, a new standard to support federated search of disparate datasets. (Get more info about data connect service in this repo).

The implementatition is as follow:

  1. ** ssh ** or ensure you are in the server
  2. Go into the this git repo,(here).
  3. Clone the repo git clone .
  4. Navigate into the directory, cd elwazi-data-connect-scripts .
  5. To install the trino cli in /usr/local/bin, execute:
  1. Pull the trino docker image. You can renme it the image depending on the server i.e ilifu
docker run -d --network host --name ilifu-trino trinodb/trino
  1. We pull the postgres docker image:
docker run -d --name ilifu-postgres --network host -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres
export PGPASSWORD=postgres
  1. You may need to create a sample dataset in Postgres Database, to test.
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "CREATE DATABASE \"pgp-dataset-service\""
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "CREATE USER \"pgp-dataset-service\" WITH PASSWORD 'pgp-dataset-service'"
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE \"pgp-dataset-service\" TO \"pgp-dataset-service\""
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "CREATE USER trinouser3"
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "CREATE USER prestouser"
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "CREATE USER prestouser3"
psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -d "pgp-dataset-service" -f data-connect-test-db.sql

Note: The dataset here is generated by the data-connect-test-db.sql.

  1. In the server, clone:
git clone --branch elwazi

cd data-connect-trino
  1. Run the scripts below to create database, user and password:
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE dataconnecttrino"
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d dataconnecttrino -c "CREATE USER \"dataconnecttrino\" WITH PASSWORD 'dataconnecttrino'"
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d dataconnecttrino -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE \"dataconnecttrino\" TO dataconnecttrino"

***Note:***You can rename the above to match your preferences but make sure you remember since they are important.

  1. If you are in data-connect-trino<\em> move a step back to home and then;
cd elwazi-data-connect

./ci/build-docker-image data-connect-trino:latest data-connect-trino latest
  1. Inside this directory, you will see<\em> file. This is how it will look like:

***Note:***It's because we used Postgres database, however this will vary depending on the database of choice.

Make changes to this file to fit our database configuration in step 10. And the final file will look like this.
  1. Since we want to use the same configuration in our 'ilifu-trino' docker container. Copy the file into your docker container:
docker cp elwazi-trino:/etc/trino/catalog
  1. We have to restart the ilifu-trino:
docker restart elwazi-trino
  1. Get into ilifu-postres:
docker exec -it ilifu-postgres /bin/bash

psql dataconnecttrino -U postgres
  1. Create the following table:
CREATE TABLE genome_ilifu (
    sample_id VARCHAR(36) PRIMARY KEY,
    population_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    super_population_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    sex VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    cram_drs_id VARCHAR(10485760),
    crai_drs_id VARCHAR(10485760)
  1. Grant all rights to our user 'dataconnecttrino':
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on TABLE genome_ilifu to dataconnecttrino
  1. Then Run the script genome_ilifu.sql<\em> or copy and run it against Postgresql

  2. Run the image you build in step 11.

docker run --name trino-data-connect --network host -e TRINO_DATASOURCE_URL=http://localhost:8080 -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dataconnecttrino -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=no-auth data-connect-trino:latest

DRS setup

Data Repository Service (DRS) provides minimal access to genomic file data by creating a DRS object for use in workflows as entry points to the files (read more about DRS here).

The docker-compose.yml file has been configured to launch two docker services, the first service, relies on the ga4gh-starter-kit-util docker image, creates a relational sqlite database to store DRS objects with a unique identifier, a URL to access the file associated with the object identifier and other additional information in different SQL tables (see create-tables.sql file). The second service configures the DRS server using the ga4gh-starter-kit-drs docker image and defines two HTTP access ports, one for API consumers and one for server administrator tasks. The server settings are defined in the YAML configuration file.

Once everything is in place, run the following command line to launch the services and start the DRS server:

docker-compose up -d

Verify that a Docker DRS container is created and is listening for HTTP requests on the ports designed in the docker-compose.yml file:

docker ps

To stop the server, the following command stops and removes the DRS container. Also run the bash script to remove the sqlite database, in case of a fresh install.

docker-compose down

The Python notebook, populate-db.ipynb, populates the sqlite database with test data. It uses the sample ID in the first column of the text file, xx.ilifu, to construct the full path to the CRAM and CRAI files. The hashlib md5 function is used to create the checksum for each file using its full path and use it as the identifier for the DRS object. The DRS object ID, file path, and other information is uploaded to the server database using an HTTP POST request.


  • Link to Python Notebook demonstrating the process

To Do

  • Setup on Mali and Uganda instances
  • Setup a workflow that can select CRAMs from a Data Connect query, do joint genotyping, calculate allele frequencies and compare with other queries e.g. from different populations
  • Be able to retrieve the output reports through the API. Currently we need to login to the server
  • Include a Passport broker
  • Look into production versions of Data Connect, DRS, WES and Passport broker


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  • Python 64.7%
  • Jupyter Notebook 34.9%
  • Shell 0.4%