Web site allowing you to conveniently add/save/modify and track your income and expenses. Written with python3.11
, Django5.1.3
and uses modern HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/JS
- Add Expenses / Income functionality (Amount / Description / Category / Income Source / Date)
- Edit / Delete records
- Search by keywords
- Export data to Excel/CSV file
- Sorting records by Amount / Description / Category / Income Source / Date
- Login/Registration/Logout feature (including 'Password reset' feature and 'Email confirmation') with dynamic error handling
Google-server ('Password reset' by E-mail / Registration confirmation by Email)- Pagination
- Summary charts (Expenses / Income)
- Change currency type
- Admin panel
Python 3.11
Django 5.1.3
PostgreSQL 16
Bootstrap v5.3.3
- Create a directory and clone the repo in it:
git clone https://github.com/ArtemKhov/Budget-Tracker-Django
- Create your virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
- Activate your virtual environment:
- Install the requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Most configurations are in budgettracker
I set many settings
configuration with my environment variables (such as: SECRET_KEY
, PostgreSQL
and some email configuration parts) and they did NOT been submitted to the GitHub
. You can change these in the code with your own configuration or just add them into your environment variables.
- Install PostgreSQL 16 according to your operating system
- Launch pgAdmin
- In the Login/Group Roles tab, create a new administrator user:
- in the General tab, come up with a user name;
- in the Definition tab, a new password that will relate specifically to this user;
- in the Privileges tab, set all permissions for the user;
- In the Databases tab, create a new database
- in General tab, type the name of the database and select the user you just created above.
Setup BudgetTracker/budgettracker/budgettracker/settings.py
with PostgreSQL database settings:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'Your DB NAME using in PostgreSQL',
'USER': 'Your USER NAME using in PostgreSQL',
'PASSWORD': 'Your PASSWORD using in PostgreSQL',
'HOST': os.getenv('HOST_PG') or 'localhost',
'PORT': os.getenv('PORT_PG') or 5432,
Run the following commands in Terminal:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Run command in terminal:
python manage.py createsuperuser
Run command in terminal:
python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
python manage.py compress --force
Execute: python manage.py runserver
Open up a browser and visit: , the you will see the site.
Further you can fill the site with data at your discretion to understand how everything looks like (admin panel can also help) or you can see the approximate filling of the site in the folder Demo.
Each file included in this repository is licensed under the MIT License.