Ready is a program for exploring continuous and discrete cellular automata, including reaction-diffusion systems, on grids and arbitrary meshes. OpenCL is used as the computation engine, to take advantage of the many-core architectures on graphics cards and modern CPUs. OpenCL also allows rules to be written in a text format and compiled on the fly. Ready supports a compact XML-based file format so that images and rules can be shared easily.
Ready supports 1D, 2D and 3D data, as well as polygonal and polyhedral meshes.
Download Ready 0.7 here:
We're working on the next version, which includes two new features:
- Import of images, so you can use a photo as the initial conditions of a pattern
- Export of a sequence of OBJ files, for animating a 3D mesh.
For now these features are only in the 0.7.2 release or later.
More details on the releases tab.
For questions, join our mailing list. Or you can email [email protected].
Press coverage:
- New Scientist, August 2012: "First gliders navigate ever-changing Penrose universe"
- Nathanael Aubert and Olaf Witkowski. "Reaction-Diffusion Risk: Chemical Signaling in a Conquest Game" Late Breaking Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Life 2015, pp. 29-30, 2015.
- Kaier Wang, Moira L. Steyn-Ross, D. Alistair Steyn-Ross, Marcus T. Wilson, Jamie W. Sleigh, Yoichi Shiraishi. "Simulations of pattern dynamics for reaction-diffusion systems via SIMULINK" BMC Systems Biology 8(14), 2014.
- Aubert, Nathanaël, Clément Mosca, Teruo Fujii, Masami Hagiya, and Yannick Rondelez. "Computer-assisted design for scaling up systems based on DNA reaction networks" Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11, no. 93, 2014.
- Millán, Emmanuel N., Paula Martínez, Graciela Verónica Gil Costa, María Fabiana Piccoli, Alicia Marcela Printista, Carlos Bederian, Carlos García Garino, and Eduardo M. Bringa. "Parallel implementation of a cellular automata in a hybrid CPU/GPU environment" In XVIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación. 2013.
- Adam P. Goucher. "Gliders in cellular automata on Penrose tilings", Journal of Cellular Automata, Volume 7, Number 5-6, p. 385-392, 2012.
Please cite Ready as:
Tim Hutton, Robert Munafo, Andrew Trevorrow, Tom Rokicki, Dan Wills.
"Ready, a cross-platform implementation of various reaction-diffusion systems."
Blog coverage:
- Tim's blog, December 2012: "Ready 0.5"
- GPU Science, September 2012: "Reaction-Diffusion by the Gray-Scott Model with OpenCL"
- Complex Projective 4-Space, August 2012: "Are you Ready?"
- Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen, August 2012: "Reaction-Diffusion Systems"
- Hacker News, July 2012: "First glider discovered in a cellular automata on an aperiodic tiling"
-, July 2012: "Ready: reaction-diffusion simulator" [2]
- Tim's blog, September 2010: "reaction-diffusion"
Other packages:
- TexRD (closed source)
- Visions of Chaos (closed source)
Wanted rules: (help needed)
- K. Maginu, "Reaction-diffusion equation describing morphogenesis I. waveform stability of stationary wave solutions in a one dimensional model", Math. Biosci. 27:1/2 (1975), 17–98
- L.Decker 2003, derived from Maginu's (from TexRD)
- L.Decker 2002, derived from Ginzburg-Landau (from TexRD)
- L.Decker 1998, derived from Brusselator (from TexRD)