- Basic functionality for server side rendering
- ACL via passportjs and google oauth2.0 stategy
- Integrate ACL with server side rendering
- Basic rest api with Koa
- Use sequelize as orm for connecting to PostgreSQL database
- Select cloud database provider for PostgreSQL
- Select cloud file storage provider (with ability to stream file data when upload/download)
- Integrate with Dropbox API
- Decouple API and UI services
- Dockerize an application
- Use Kompose to migrate from docker-compose to Kubernetes
- Use Helm to pack whole app and test it localy
- Migrate from Sequelize to Prisma
- Setup and configure Jenkins on AWS EC2 instance
- Explore where you can build new versions of Docker images for each service (TravisCI?)
- Setup basis for E2E testing with Nightwatch in isolated docker-compose environment (database should be inside isolated environment)
- Setup Continuous Integration with running E2E tests
- Deploy to AWS
- Setup Continuous Deployment to AWS (it should automatically deploy only when all CI checks are successfully passed)
To start
kompose convert -f docker-compose.yml
kompose up --build none
To shutdown kompose down
To launch kubernetes dashboard kubectl proxy
"kompose build fails: unable to create tarball" -> rm -rf node_modules
"Error while deploying application: k.Transform failed: image key required withi n build parameters in order to build and push service" -> add
in docker-compose for each service -
unable to push image to docker.io (docker login issue) -> kubernetes/kompose#911 (comment)
expose minikube docker registry to localhost:5000 https://blog.hasura.io/sharing-a-local-registry-for-minikube-37c7240d0615
https://forums.docker.com/t/docker-plugin-push-to-local-registry/35567/2 # docker publish to local registry
kompose up --build none
# to fix issue with docker login -
instead of originalimage_name
expose existing service as LoadBalancer https://serverfault.com/a/818987
imagePullPolicy: Always kubernetes/kubernetes#33664 (comment)
minikube start --vm-driver=none
kubernetes/minikube#2575 -
kubernetes dashboard https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/web-ui-dashboard/
microk8s sign in to dashboard https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46664104/how-to-sign-in-kubernetes-dashboard
uninstall minikube kubernetes/minikube#1043 (comment)
kompose with microk8s canonical/microk8s#197 (comment)
fix internet access from pods in microk8s canonical/microk8s#75 (comment)