A top-down, endless wave survival, shooter game made using C++ and SFML. No game engine was used in making the game. The game includes systems/features like
- Asset management
- Collision detection
- Sound effects/Music
- Scene management
- Basic GUI
- Animations
Available on itch.io
Compile the project using
g++ .\main.cpp -I SFML\include\ -L SFML\lib\ -DSFML_STATIC -lsfml-main -lsfml-graphics-s -lsfml-window-s -lsfml-audio-s -lsfml-system-s -lopengl32 -lfreetype -lwinmm -lopenal32 -lflac -lvorbisenc -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg -lgdi32 -static-libstdc++
And run the executable using