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Documentation and example code for the Body Worn Integration API


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Axis Body worn integration API

The Body worn integration API makes it possible to integrate a third-party application as a content destination (CD) to the Body worn system (BWS). The application that implements the API operates as the server, while the BWS is the client that calls the API. The API itself is HTTPS-based and communication with the application is protected by certificates, which need to be configured before the API can be used.

This document describes the integration at a specific point in time, and new additions to the specification may not apply fully. For example, recordings made on earlier versions of the BWS firmware might not have all the data required by the latest specification. The metadata of such recordings would then be missing certain fields or they might be substituted by a default value. Another example could be that newly added capabilities will not be supported by earlier firmwares, and the BWS will therefore not apply the capability even if specified by the integration API.


Term Description
BWM Body worn manager
BWS Body worn system
BWC Body worn camera
CD Content destination


API model

The body worn integration API is a semantic API, modelled on top of the OpenStack Swift API, an open source S3-like object store API. The technical definition of the API is the Swift API. The main philosophy is that it shall be possible to use a standard Swift object store file server as CD, without any active server process in-between.

Only a small subset of the available Swift API is used in order to create Containers and Objects and meta data for these. In each API subgroup we specify which methods and attributes that are used and what they mean.

The only subgroup implemented outside of the Swift API is the Connection API, which is just a JSON file with configurations.

Object addressing

The Swift API implements 3 levels that can be used for addressing: Account, Container and Object. The Account corresponds to the login specified by a BlobAPIKey and BlobAPIUserName in the connection file (see Connection API). The Container is the top level directory in a file path, the Object is the rest of the path and may include multiple slashes.

Data structure

Each Recording from the BWS creates a corresponding Container and each Clip in a Recording creates an Object in the Container with the video as its content.

A Recording consists of:

  • N video clip objects, N > 0
  • one keyfile object per video clip, if end to end encryption is enabled
  • a location object, if track support is enabled
  • one keyfile object per location object, if end to end encryption is enabled
  • M bookmark files, M >= 0, if bookmarks are enabled

Each video clip in the Recording corresponds to an Object in the Container.

String encoding

All user supplied strings are URL encoded UTF-8 and can include any character except for control characters. Servers are expected to accept this, but may translate characters in their UI if they don't support the full UTF-8 set

API Subgroups

The Body worn integration API is divided into the following parts:

API Usage
Connection API Setup the connection to the content destination.
Capability API Publish supported capabilities from a content destination to a JSON file.
Access token API Upload URI and credentials.
Device and user API Manage devices and users.
File upload API File transfer.

API endpoints

The following table lists the used endpoints of the Swift API. All except for the auth endpoint require a valid auth token, while the auth endpoint itself requires both a username and key. This is the subset essential for 3rd party implementations. Everything else such as how to delete and copy objects or containers is not going to be used from the body worn system.

HTTPS method Endpoint Description Normal responses Error responses Detailed Swift documentation
Get /auth/v1.0 Retrieves an auth token. 200 OK 401 Unauthorized Authorization
Get /v1/{account}/
Retrieves an object and metadata. 200 OK 400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
Get object
Put /v1/{account}/
Creates a container 201 Created
202 Accepted
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable
Create container
Post /v1/{account}/
Creates or updates the container metadata. 204 No Content 400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
Update container
Put /v1/{account}/
Creates an object 201 Created 400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable
507 Insufficient Storage
Create object
Post /v1/{account}/
Creates or updates the object metadata, which also deletes the existing metadata. 202 Accepted 400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
Update object
  1. Put and Post is also done on this endpoint, but covered by their respective patterns further down in the table.

Error response descriptions

Code Description
400 Bad Request Returned when the content destination can't store (and never will be able to store) the recording. It gets status Recording not transferred in AXIS Body Worn Manager, and becomes available for download. Can be used when: the timestamp is out of bounds, the clip has no duration, a user id or device id doesn't exist
401 Unauthorized Returned by the content destination when user credentials are invalid or auth token missing
402 Payment Required Returned when attempting to create a BWC or user in the content destination but there are no more licenses.
403 Forbidden Returned when user permissions are insufficient for a specific resource
404 Not Found Returned when specific resource is not available
500 Internal Server Error Any other error
503 Service Unavailable Returned when the content destination is busy and receives too many upload requests from the system controller, but wants the system controller to try again soon.
507 Insufficient Storage Returned when the content destination is out of disk space/disk quota.

Connection API, set up a connection to the content destination

In order to set up a connection, as well as the Body worn system, a JSON connection file needs to be created for the Body worn manager (BWM), which is the web based management application for the BWS. The connection file shall contain all configurations that are required to connect to the content destination, including installation-specific settings such as encryption and the supported container format for the content destination.

Every application that implements the Body worn integration API must be able to provide this file.

Setup procedure

The connection file is a JSON file with attribute names, value types and lengths, as shown in the template below. The maximum size of the connection file is 64 kB.

JSON file format

  "ConnectionFileVersion": "1.0",
  "SiteName": "<string:64>",
  "ApplicationName": "<string:256>",
  "ApplicationVersion": "<version-string:64>",
  "ContentDestinationAsNTPServer": <bool>,
  "AuthenticationTokenURI": [ "<URI:512>", "<URI:512>", ... x 10 ],
  "HTTPSCertificate": [ "<Base64 encoded X509 Certificate:16k>", "<Base64 encoded X509 Certificate:16k>", ... x 10 ],
  "BlobAPIKey": "<Password:64>",
  "BlobAPIUserName": "<UserName:64>",
  "ContainerType": "<mkv | mp4>",
  "FullStoreAndReadSupport": <bool>,
  "WantEncryption": <bool>,
  "PublicKey": "<Base64 encoded PEM RSA PublicKey:2048>",
  "PublicKeyId": "<string:128>"

Attribute details

Some attributes can be modified after the initial setup is completed and some are optional.

Parameter Change Optional Description
ConnectionFileVersion X
SiteName X
ApplicationName X
ApplicationVersion X
ContentDestinationAsNTPServer X
AuthenticationTokenURI X
HTTPSCertificate X X Makes the SCU able to verify the server certificate of the CD and create a secure connection with HTTPS. If the certificate can't be validated, the connection setup fails. If no certificate is set, HTTP is used instead. We strongly recommend using HTTPS for all production purposes and only use HTTP for development/debugging.
BlobAPIKey X
BlobAPIUserName X
ContainerType X Default value is mkv (optional).
FullStoreAndReadSupport X X Default value is false (optional). Only allowed to change from false to true
WantEncryption X X Default value is false. Only allowed to change from false to true
PublicKey X X Required if WantEncryption is set. No value allowed otherwise.
PublicKeyId X X Required if WantEncryption is set. No value allowed otherwise.

Capability API, content destination capabilities

The Capability API makes it possible for a connected content destination to publish its supported features. It's the basis for extendability of the API, while still maintaining backward compatibility. The capability settings control visibility of new functionality in the system and the UI. Once a content destination declares that it has support for a capability, it's expected to always have support for it.

The supported capabilities are published by the content destination in a JSON object named Capabilities.json , which shall be located in the System/ container. To read the object, the BWS does a GET request for System/Capabilities.json.

File format

  "Read": {
    "<CAPABILITY1>": true,
    "<CAPABILITY2>": false
  "Store": {
    "<CAPABILITY3>": true,
    "<CAPABILITY4>": false
  "StoreAndRead": {
    "<CAPABILITY5>": true,
    "<CAPABILITY6>": false

Implementation details

Please note that all capabilities are considered unsupported if the object is missing or wrongly formatted. This is also true if a capability is not present or set to false.

When responding to a request the Etag header, which contains the md5 hash of the JSON object, must be set, as it's used as a checksum. A typical log error from the SCU if cases where the header is incorrect is object corrupt.

Connection file

The connection file includes the attribute FullStoreAndReadSupport. This is typically set for a standard Swift object store content destination, since new capabilities will always work towards a standard Swift implementation. In cases where you want to limit what is stored on a Swift server, don't set the FullStoreAndReadSupport attribute. Instead enable the wanted capabilities in the System/Capabilities.json object.

Capability naming

Store is used as prefix when either POST or PUT support is required, while Read is used as prefix when either GET and HEAD support is required. In cases where both are required, they are added as a prefix, i.e. StoreRead.

Current capabilities

  • StoreReadSystemID
  • StoreUserIDKey
  • StoreBookmarks
  • StoreSignedVideo
  • StoreGNSSTrackRecording
  • StoreRejectedContent

For details on each capability, please see Capability details.

Access token API, file upload URI and credentials

The Access token API is used by the BWS to retrieve and use a token with the PUT and POST methods. OpenStack Swift has support for multiple auth systems, one of them being their own Keystone, which is the method that should be used in the Body worn integration API.

Swift security relies on auth tokens being passed with each request. A token is retrieved when the BWS sends both an Auth-Key and X-Auth-User in the header of a GET request to the BaseURL, which is supplied by the JSON connection file. The content destination must then respond with an X-Auth-Token and the X-Storage-Url, which are then used during the upload.

Device and User API, manage devices and users

This API is used when one of the following actions are taken by an admin:

  • When a user is registered in the BWM. An object named with the UserID of the user is then created in the Users/ container. The nice name of the user is stored as metadata on the object.

  • When a user's nice name is updated, the metadata for that user object is updated.

  • When a BWC is registered in the BWM. An object named with the BWCSerialNumber of the BWC is then created in the Devices/ container. The nice name of the device is stored as metadata on the object.

  • When a BWC's nice name is updated, the metadata for that camera object is updated.

A recording carries the essential information to map it to a UserID and a BWCSerialNumber. If the information in the recording doesn't match existing users or devices, a 400 Bad Request error response should be sent. If the user has been disabled in the content destination, it's advised to re-enable it to receive the content and then disable it again.

File Upload API, file transfer from BWS to CD

The File upload API is used when the Body worn system uploads a recording created in a BWC. Doing this creates a corresponding recording container, which gets a name according to this template: <UserID>_<BWCSerialNumber>_<TriggerOnTime>, where TriggerOnTime is given in UTC time and formatted according to YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ.

Every clip in the recording corresponds to an object in the container, where the clips are named <StartTime>_<RecordingID>.<ContainerType>. Please note that RecordingID is a short, random number for the recording that shouldn't be relied upon for identification purposes.

Overview of Container and Object structure

System is a container that stores all system metadata. For every connected BWS an object named with the <bwsid> is created.

Users is a container that stores all user metadata. For every user an object named with the <userid> is created.

Devices is a container that stores all device metadata. For every device an object named with the <deviceid> is created.


For every recording a new container is created. It's named as <UserID>_<BWCSerialNumber>_<TriggerOnTime> where "UserID" is the UUID of the user who was assigned to the camera when it was recording, "DeviceID" is the ID of the camera which did the recording and TriggerOnTime is the time when the recording was started. TriggerOnTime is given in UTC time and formatted according to YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ.

In every recording container there's one or multiple clips. There could also be a GNSS track object and one or several bookmark objects.

The status metadata attribute on the recording container is set to Complete when the BWS is done transferring all data for the recording. No more requests are done on the container from the BWS after this.

├── System
│   ├── <bwsid>
│   └── Capabilities.json
├── Users
│   └── <userid>
├── Devices
│   └── <deviceid>
└── recordingname:<userid>_<deviceid>_<datetime>
    ├── clipname: <date>_<time>_<id>.mkv
    ├── keyname: <date>_<time>_<id>.key
    ├── bookmarkname: bookmark_<timestamp>_<ID>
    └── gnsstrailname: <date>_<time>_<id>_<bwcid>_gpstrail.json

Clip metadata details

Clip metadata is sent as an HTTP header in the requests. All metadata is presented as strings, and time is specified in UTC.

All metadata header keys have the prefix X-Object-Meta or X-Container-Meta as X-<type>-Meta-Key in the HTTP request. All characters are lowercase except the first letter as well as any letter that follows a hyphen. The values are presented in the URL-encoded UTF-8 format, where characters outside of US ASCII and reserved HTTP characters are %XX encoded. Please note that string attributes can't be larger than 32 bytes except when noted, such as the device name, user name and location attributes, which can be up to 64 bytes. Strings supplied by the user may include any character except control characters. Most applications are expected to accept this, but they may sometimes have to translate the characters in their individual user interface in cases where they don't support the full UTF-8 set.

Recording container metadata

The name of the container is <UserID>_<BWCSerialNumber>_<TriggerOnTime> where TriggerOnTime is given in UTC time and formatted according to YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ.

Key Type Description
ContainerName String The name of the container as defined above.
BWCSerialNumber String The serial number of the device that captures the video in the container.
SCUSerialNumber String The serial number of the device that received the recording from the BWC.
FirmwareVersion String The firmware version of the BWC for when the video was recorded.
UserID String The user that was assigned to the device when the video was recorded.
TriggerOn String Why the camera started a recording.
TriggerOff String Why the camera stopped a recording.
TriggerOnTime String The time when the trigger was issued, epoch UTC.
TriggerOnTimeISO String The time when the trigger was issued, RFC3339 format (UTC).
TriggerOnLocation String[64] <lat><long><accuracy><epoch>
TriggerOffTime String The time when the recording was stopped, epoch UTC.
TriggerOffTimeISO String The time when the recording was stopped, RFC3339 format (UTC).
TriggerOffLocation String[64] <lat><long><accuracy><epoch>
StartTime String The time when recording started (includes prebuffer if configured), epoch UTC.
StartTimeISO String The time when recording started (includes prebuffer if configured), RFC3339 format (UTC).
StopTime String The time when recording stopped (includes postbuffer if configured), epoch UTC.
StopTimeISO String The time when recording stopped (includes postbuffer if configured), RFC3339 format (UTC).
TimeZone String The time zone configured on the BWC at the time of recording, IANA.
BWCModel String The BWC model that was used when recording.
Status String Transferring|Complete: The status of the Container. When the container metadata becomes Complete, there won't be any more updates or uploads to either the container or metadata.

Video object metadata

The name of the object is <StartTime>_<RecordingID>.<ContainerType>.

Key Type Description
StartTime String The time when the clip started, epoch UTC.
StartTimeISO String The time when the clip started, RFC3339 format (UTC)
StopTime String The time when the clip ended, epoch UTC.
StopTimeISO String The time when the clip ended, RFC3339 format (UTC).
ContainerType String The file type of the clip (mkv or mp4)
StartLocation String[64] <lat><long><accuracy><epoch>
StopLocation String[64] <lat><long><accuracy><epoch>

Key object metadata

The name of the object is <StartTime>_<RecordingID>.key.

Key Type Description
StartTime String The start time of the encrypted clip or the start time of the recording for encrypted location data.
FileType String 'key'

Bookmark object metadata

The name of the object is bookmark_<Timestamp>_<ID>.

This object is stored only if StoreBookmarks capability is set.

The content of the object is the free text description, in UTF-8. As there is a timestamp, multiple descriptions can be added. This object can also work as a bookmark. Then the content and all metadata is empty, except for the timestamp.

Key Type Description
CategoryID String The category ID.
CategoryName String The string for this category.
Tags String A semicolon separated string of tags.
StartTime String Timestamp for the description in RFC3339 (UTC). If not set by the user, it starts at the beginning of the recording.
EndTime String Timestamp for the description in RFC3339 (UTC). If not set by the user there is no key.

Location object meta-data

The name of the object is <date>_<time>_<RecordingID>_<bwcid>_gpstrail.json.

This object is stored only if the StoreGNSSTrackRecording capability is set.

Key Type Description
FileType String Always 'json'. See below for file format

Location file format

  "CoordinateEntries": [
      "LocationWKT": "POINT(13.221184 55.718409)",
      "SecondsFromStart": 64.0,
      "Timestamp": "2022-08-23T11:48:10Z"
      "LocationWKT": "POINT(13.220701 55.718702)",
      "SecondsFromStart": 82.0,
      "Timestamp": "2022-08-23T11:48:28Z"
      "LocationWKT": "POINT(13.221424 55.718778)",
      "SecondsFromStart": 92.0,
      "Timestamp": "2022-08-23T11:48:38Z"
      "LocationWKT": "POINT(13.221766 55.718877)",
      "SecondsFromStart": 102.0,
      "Timestamp": "2022-08-23T11:48:48Z"
      "LocationWKT": "POINT(13.221725 55.718951)",
      "SecondsFromStart": 113.0,
      "Timestamp": "2022-08-23T11:48:59Z"

Where SecondsFromStart is seconds since StartTime of the recording. StartTime might not be the same as TriggerOnTime for example if running with pre-buffer.

We recommend using the TriggerOnLocation in the recording metadata if you want to include information about where the user started the recording.

LocationWKT is defined as Point(x, y), where x is the longitude and y is the latitude.

System container metadata

The container name is System.

This container is created if the StoreReadSystemID capability is set.

System object metadata

Object name is <SystemID>, a UUID.

This object is stored only if the StoreReadSystemID capability is set.

Multiple system objects can exist if several discrete BWS are connected to the same content destination.

All data is stored by the body worn system. Only the SystemName is intended for end user consumption, and can be updated at any time from the body worn system. The ConnectionID is set when the object is created and never changes.

Key Type Description
ConnectionId String[100] The connection ID for this system.
SystemName String[100] The nice name of the body worn system installation.

User container metadata

The container name is Users.

User object metadata

Object name is <UserUUID>, an internal UUID.

Key Type Description
Active String True/False
Name String[100] Nice name of the user, is not unique
UserID String[100] A user supplied ID, is empty or unique. Only stored if StoreUserIDKey capability is set.


Name is not unique. We recommend that you display Name (UserID).

Devices container metadata

The container name is Devices.

Device object metadata

Object name is <BWCSerialNumber>.

Key Type Description
Active String True/False
Name String[100] The nice name of the device.
Model String Device model (e.g. W100)

Rejected content storage

Content that has been rejected by the content destination (due to e.g. corrupt data or missing meta data) will be uploaded to a rejected content container if the StoreRejectedContent capability has been enabled. If the capability is enabled, the SCU expects the content destination to never reject anything uploaded as rejected content.

The name of the container is RejectedContent_<RejectedContentTime>_<UUID> where RejectedContentTime is the time when the decision was made to reject the content and is given in UTC time and formatted according to YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ. The time can be unknown for some cases and will then be given as UnknownTime. The last part is a unique id generated at the time of upload.

Upload of rejected content differs somewhat from the ordinary flow:

  • The container will get content from at most one recording, but it is not guaranteed that all files end up in the same container
  • If only parts of a recording is rejected, the remaining clips will be uploaded normally

Rejected content container metadata

The container will contain all fields that would have been present in the normal container (if available), except for the 'Status' field, and a few additions:

Key Type Description
ContainerName String The name of the rejected content container.
RejectedContentOriginalContainer String The name of the container that should have received the content. Can be used to associate a clip with the rest of the recording.
RejectedContentTime String The time when the decision was made to reject.
RejectedContentReason String The reason for rejecting the content if available.

Rejected object metadata

Rejected objects can be video clips, location data and encryption key files.

Rejected objects will get all metadata as defined above if available and one addition:

Key Type Description
RejectedContentOriginalContainer String The name of the container that should have received the content. Can be used to associate a clip with the rest of the recording.

Object encryption


In the connection file, a key for end to end content encryption can be set with the PublicKey and PublicKeyId parameters. The WantEncryption parameter should also be set to ´true´.

The corresponding private key is required to be able to decrypt the uploaded content. The PublicKeyId is written to the video key object which is stored together with the encrypted video clip. GNSS track objects are encrypted in the same manner. The CD can use the ID to know which key to use for decryption.

If WantEncryption parameter is set and PublicKey is not set, the BWS will display an error. If WantEncryption parameter is not set, content encryption is disabled, and the PublicKey is ignored.

If encryption has been enabled for a system it can not be turned off and a configuration for such a system is considered invalid and is rejected if it would render encryption disabled.


When encryption is enabled, each content object is accompanied by a keyfile object. In the keyfile object there's an attribute ´EncryptedKey´, which holds the content encryption key, wrapped with the public key.

See the documentation for the example server for more details on how to perform the decryption.

Capability details


When a BWS is configured for the first time, it's also assigned a System ID. This ID is stored on the BWS and also stored over the API on the content destination. It makes it possible to check that the system is communicating with the expected endpoint instance. System ID is a way to uniquely bind a content destination to a body worn system. As long as the System ID matches it's allowed to change config almost completely and still be able to ensure that the body worn system is talking to the same content destination. Without System ID it will be possible to swap to any other CD which opens up for different kinds of vulnerabilities or robustness issues. It's therefore strongly adviced to implement the System ID capability. Enabled using the StoreReadSystemID capability.

User ID

If the StoreUserIDKey capability is set, the BWM shows a field for a user supplied ID for each user. The ID shall be empty or unique. Stored as a metadata key on the object of the user.


Enabled using the StoreBookmarks capability. The tags key has a semicolon separated list of key:value pairs as value. Implementers should be prepared for unknown keys and values in this list.

Example of a tags key:value string: "tags": "TriggerOn:Button;SomeTag:SomeValue"

Signed Video

Signed Video capability declares support for receiving video with embedded signature data. If the content destination can display signed videos and is able to export the signed video without tampering with the original it can activate signed video using the StoreSignedVideo capability. Signed video can be used to verify the integrity and authenticity of a recording. See for more information.

GNSS track

If the content destination can retrieve and display GNSS track data from a recording, it can activate it using the StoreGNSSTrackRecording capability. The GNSS data comes as a separate JSON object included in the recording container, other formats may be added later. See Location object format for details.

Store Rejected Content

In case a clip or recording is not possible to upload to the content destination in the normal way, the content destination can implement the 'StoreRejectedContent' capability. The SCU will then attempt to upload the content to a special "Rejected Content" container. The content destination can then handle the content separately and e.g. store it separately from the other content.

Content eligible for rejected storage includes recordings or clips rejected by the content destination due to e.g. corrupt data or missing metadata, or any other reason that makes the content destination reject it. Note that this will not apply to content that fails uploading due to connectivity issues, they will simply be reattempted at a later time.

See Rejected content storage for details on container and object structure.


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.