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Update alz-repo-standard-labels.csv and add PS1 script to apply to re…
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jtracey93 authored Jan 3, 2024
1 parent 6164dfc commit 42fe09d
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Showing 2 changed files with 233 additions and 3 deletions.
230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions utils/github/Set-AlzGitHubLabels.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "", Justification = "Coloured output required in this script")]

This script can be used to create the Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) standard GitHub labels to a GitHub repository.
This script can be used to create the Azure Landing Zones (ALZ) standard GitHub labels to a GitHub repository.
By default, the script will remove all pre-existing labels and apply the ALZ labels. However, this can be changed by using the -RemoveExistingLabels parameter and setting it to $false. The tool will also output the labels that exist in the repository before and after the script has run to a CSV file in the current directory, or a directory specified by the -OutputDirectory parameter.
The ALZ labels to be created are documented here: TBC
Please ensure you have specified the GitHub repositry correctly. The script will prompt you to confirm the repository name before proceeding.
You must have the GitHub CLI installed and be authenticated to a GitHub account with access to the repository you are applying the labels to before running this script.
.Parameter RepositoryName
The name of the GitHub repository to apply the labels to.
.Parameter RemoveExistingLabels
If set to $true, the default value, the script will remove all pre-existing labels from the repository specified in -RepositoryName before applying the ALZ labels. If set to $false, the script will not remove any pre-existing labels.
.Parameter UpdateAndAddLabelsOnly
If set to $true, the default value, the script will only update and add labels to the repository specified in -RepositoryName. If set to $false, the script will remove all pre-existing labels from the repository specified in -RepositoryName before applying the ALZ labels.
.Parameter OutputDirectory
The directory to output the pre-existing and post-existing labels to in a CSV file. The default value is the current directory.
.Parameter CreateCsvLabelExports
If set to $true, the default value, the script will output the pre-existing and post-existing labels to a CSV file in the current directory, or a directory specified by the -OutputDirectory parameter. If set to $false, the script will not output the pre-existing and post-existing labels to a CSV file.
.Parameter GitHubCliLimit
The maximum number of labels to return from the GitHub CLI. The default value is 999.
.Parameter LabelsToApplyCsvUri
The URI to the CSV file containing the labels to apply to the GitHub repository. The default value is
.Parameter NoUserPrompts
If set to $true, the default value, the script will not prompt the user to confirm they want to remove all pre-existing labels from the repository specified in -RepositoryName before applying the ALZ labels. If set to $false, the script will prompt the user to confirm they want to remove all pre-existing labels from the repository specified in -RepositoryName before applying the ALZ labels.
This is useful for running the script in automation workflows
Create the ALZ labels in the repository Org/MyGitHubRepo and remove all pre-existing labels.
Set-AlzGitHubLabels.ps1 -RepositoryName "Org/MyGitHubRepo"
Create the ALZ labels in the repository Org/MyGitHubRepo and do not remove any pre-existing labels, just overwrite any labels that have the same name.
Set-AlzGitHubLabels.ps1 -RepositoryName "Org/MyGitHubRepo" -RemoveExistingLabels $false
Create the ALZ labels in the repository Org/MyGitHubRepo and output the pre-existing and post-existing labels to the directory C:\GitHubLabels.
Set-AlzGitHubLabels.ps1 -RepositoryName "Org/MyGitHubRepo" -OutputDirectory "C:\GitHubLabels"
Create the ALZ labels in the repository Org/MyGitHubRepo and output the pre-existing and post-existing labels to the directory C:\GitHubLabels and do not remove any pre-existing labels, just overwrite any labels that have the same name.
Set-AlzGitHubLabels.ps1 -RepositoryName "Org/MyGitHubRepo" -OutputDirectory "C:\GitHubLabels" -RemoveExistingLabels $false
Create the ALZ labels in the repository Org/MyGitHubRepo and do not create the pre-existing and post-existing labels CSV files and do not remove any pre-existing labels, just overwrite any labels that have the same name.
Set-AlzGitHubLabels.ps1 -RepositoryName "Org/MyGitHubRepo" -RemoveExistingLabels $false -CreateCsvLabelExports $false
Create the ALZ labels in the repository Org/MyGitHubRepo and do not create the pre-existing and post-existing labels CSV files and do not remove any pre-existing labels, just overwrite any labels that have the same name. Finally, use a custom CSV file hosted on the internet to create the labels from.
Set-AlzGitHubLabels.ps1 -RepositoryName "Org/MyGitHubRepo" -OutputDirectory "C:\GitHubLabels" -RemoveExistingLabels $false -CreateCsvLabelExports $false -LabelsToApplyCsvUri ""

#Requires -PSEdition Core

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[bool]$RemoveExistingLabels = $true,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[bool]$UpdateAndAddLabelsOnly = $true,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[bool]$CreateCsvLabelExports = $true,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$OutputDirectory = (Get-Location),

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[int]$GitHubCliLimit = 999,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$LabelsToApplyCsvUri = "",

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[bool]$NoUserPrompts = $false

# Check if the GitHub CLI is installed
$GitHubCliInstalled = Get-Command gh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $GitHubCliInstalled) {
throw "The GitHub CLI is not installed. Please install the GitHub CLI and try again."
Write-Host "The GitHub CLI is installed..." -ForegroundColor Green

# Check if GitHub CLI is authenticated
$GitHubCliAuthenticated = gh auth status
if ($null -eq $GitHubCliAuthenticated) {
throw "Not authenticated to GitHub. Please authenticate to GitHub using the GitHub CLI, `gh auth login`, and try again."
Write-Host "Authenticated to GitHub..." -ForegroundColor Green

# Check if GitHub repository name is valid
$GitHubRepositoryNameValid = $RepositoryName -match "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$"
if ($false -eq $GitHubRepositoryNameValid) {
throw "The GitHub repository name $RepositoryName is not valid. Please check the repository name and try again. The format must be <OrgName>/<RepoName>"

# List GitHub repository provided and check it exists
$GitHubRepository = gh repo view $RepositoryName
if ($null -eq $GitHubRepository) {
throw "The GitHub repository $RepositoryName does not exist. Please check the repository name and try again."
Write-Host "The GitHub repository $RepositoryName exists..." -ForegroundColor Green

# PRE - Get the current GitHub repository labels and export to a CSV file in the current directory or where -OutputDirectory specifies if set to a valid directory path and the directory exists or can be created if it does not exist already
if ($RemoveExistingLabels -or $UpdateAndAddLabelsOnly) {
Write-Host "Getting the current GitHub repository (pre) labels for $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$GitHubRepositoryLabels = gh label list -R $RepositoryName -L $GitHubCliLimit --json name,description,color

if ($null -ne $GitHubRepositoryLabels -and $CreateCsvLabelExports -eq $true) {
$csvFileNamePathPre = "$OutputDirectory\$($RepositoryName.Replace('/', '_'))-Labels-Pre-$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).csv"
Write-Host "Exporting the current GitHub repository (pre) labels for $RepositoryName to $csvFileNamePathPre" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$GitHubRepositoryLabels | ConvertFrom-Json | Export-Csv -Path $csvFileNamePathPre -NoTypeInformation

# Remove all pre-existing labels if -RemoveExistingLabels is set to $true and user confirms they want to remove all pre-existing labels
if ($null -ne $GitHubRepositoryLabels) {
$GitHubRepositoryLabelsJson = $GitHubRepositoryLabels | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($RemoveExistingLabels -eq $true -and $NoUserPrompts -eq $false -and $UpdateAndAddLabelsOnly -eq $false) {
$RemoveExistingLabelsConfirmation = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to remove all $($GitHubRepositoryLabelsJson.Count) pre-existing labels from $($RepositoryName)? (Y/N)"
if ($RemoveExistingLabelsConfirmation -eq "Y") {
Write-Host "Removing all pre-existing labels from $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$GitHubRepositoryLabels | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Removing label $($ from $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor DarkRed
gh label delete -R $RepositoryName $ --yes
if ($RemoveExistingLabels -eq $true -and $NoUserPrompts -eq $true -and $UpdateAndAddLabelsOnly -eq $false) {
Write-Host "Removing all pre-existing labels from $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$GitHubRepositoryLabels | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Removing label $($ from $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor DarkRed
gh label delete -R $RepositoryName $ --yes
if ($null -eq $GitHubRepositoryLabels) {
Write-Host "No pre-existing labels to remove or not selected to be removed from $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Magenta

# Check LabelsToApplyCsvUri is valid and contains a CSV content
Write-Host "Checking $LabelsToApplyCsvUri is valid..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$LabelsToApplyCsvUriValid = $LabelsToApplyCsvUri -match "^https?://"
if ($false -eq $LabelsToApplyCsvUriValid) {
throw "The LabelsToApplyCsvUri $LabelsToApplyCsvUri is not valid. Please check the URI and try again. The format must be a valid URI."
Write-Host "The LabelsToApplyCsvUri $LabelsToApplyCsvUri is valid..." -ForegroundColor Green

# Create ALZ lables from the ALZ labels CSV file stored on the web using the convertfrom-csv cmdlet
$alzLabelsCsv = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LabelsToApplyCsvUri | ConvertFrom-Csv

# Check if the ALZ labels CSV file contains the following columns: Name, Description, HEX
$alzLabelsCsvColumns = $alzLabelsCsv | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$alzLabelsCsvColumnsValid = $alzLabelsCsvColumns -contains "Name" -and $alzLabelsCsvColumns -contains "Description" -and $alzLabelsCsvColumns -contains "HEX"
if ($false -eq $alzLabelsCsvColumnsValid) {
throw "The labels CSV file does not contain the required columns: Name, Description, HEX. Please check the CSV file and try again. It contains the following columns: $alzLabelsCsvColumns"
Write-Host "The labels CSV file contains the required columns: Name, Description, HEX" -ForegroundColor Green

# Create the ALZ labels in the GitHub repository
Write-Host "Creating/Updating the $($alzLabelsCsv.Count) ALZ labels in $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$alzLabelsCsv | ForEach-Object {
if ($ -contains $ {
Write-Host "The label $($ already exists in $RepositoryName. Updating the label to ensure description and color are consitent..." -ForegroundColor Magenta
gh label create -R $RepositoryName "$($" -c $_.HEX -d $($_.Description) --force
else {
Write-Host "The label $($ does not exist in $RepositoryName. Creating label $($ in $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
gh label create -R $RepositoryName "$($_.Name)" -c $_.HEX -d $($_.Description) --force

# POST - Get the current GitHub repository labels and export to a CSV file in the current directory or where -OutputDirectory specifies if set to a valid directory path and the directory exists or can be created if it does not exist already
if ($CreateCsvLabelExports -eq $true) {
Write-Host "Getting the current GitHub repository (post) labels for $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$GitHubRepositoryLabels = gh label list -R $RepositoryName -L $GitHubCliLimit --json name,description,color

if ($null -ne $GitHubRepositoryLabels) {
$csvFileNamePathPre = "$OutputDirectory\$($RepositoryName.Replace('/', '_'))-Labels-Post-$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).csv"
Write-Host "Exporting the current GitHub repository (post) labels for $RepositoryName to $csvFileNamePathPre" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$GitHubRepositoryLabels | ConvertFrom-Json | Export-Csv -Path $csvFileNamePathPre -NoTypeInformation

# If -RemoveExistingLabels is set to $true and user confirms they want to remove all pre-existing labels check that only the alz labels exist in the repository
if ($RemoveExistingLabels -eq $true -and ($RemoveExistingLabelsConfirmation -eq "Y" -or $NoUserPrompts -eq $true) -and $UpdateAndAddLabelsOnly -eq $false) {
Write-Host "Checking that only the ALZ labels exist in $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$GitHubRepositoryLabels = gh label list -R $RepositoryName -L $GitHubCliLimit --json name,description,color
$GitHubRepositoryLabels | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
if ($alzLabelsCsv.Name -notcontains $ {
throw "The label $($ exists in $RepositoryName but is not in the CSV file."
Write-Host "Only the CSV labels exist in $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Green

Write-Host "The CSV labels have been created/updated in $RepositoryName..." -ForegroundColor Green
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions utils/github/alz-repo-standard-labels.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ Area: RBAC :passport_control:,Issues / PR's related to RBAC,C1EEFF
Area: Sovereign :alien:,"GH issues raised for sovereign clouds (US Gov, China)",655356
Needs: Attention :wave:,Needs attention from the maintainers,E99695
Needs: Author Feedback :ear:,Needs the author to provide feedback,F18A07
Needs: External Changes :gear:,When an issue/PR requires changes that are outside of the control of the module. E.g. an RP change or language feature add,DE389D
Needs: External Changes :gear:,When an issue/PR requires changes that are outside of the control of this repo,DE389D
Needs: More Evidence :balance_scale:,We are looking for more evidence to make a decision on this,F64872
Needs: Triage :mag:,Needs triaging by the team,FBCA04
Needs: Upstream Policy Changes :arrows_clockwise:,Upstream ESLZ repo policy changes required,513B3C
Status: Awaiting Release To Be Cut :scissors:,"This is fixed in the main branch but not in the latest release, will be fixed with next release cut",017438
Status: Blocked :brick:,Something is blocking us from fixing this,D8DBE2
Status: Do Not Merge :no_entry:,Do not merge PRs with this label attached as they are not ready etc.,C62A4B
Status: External Community Contribution :earth_americas:,This is being worked on by someone outside of the owners/contributors or core team,D8FA2C
Status: External Contribution :earth_americas:,This is being worked on by someone outside of the owners/contributors or core team,D8FA2C
Status: Fixed :white_check_mark:,Auto label applied when issue fixed by merged PR,ededed
Status: Help Wanted :sos:,Extra attention is needed,008672
Status: In PR :point_right:,This is when an issue is due to be fixed in an open PR,344966
Expand All @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Type: Bug :beetle:,Something isn't working,d73a4a
Type: Documentation :page_facing_up:,Improvements or additions to documentation,0075ca
Type: Duplicate :palms_up_together:,This issue or pull request already exists,cfd3d7
Type: Enhancement :sparkles:,New feature or request,FFE347
Type: External Community Contribution :construction_worker:,This issue or pull request already exists,DEC1FF
Type: External Contribution :construction_worker:,This issue or pull request already exists,DEC1FF
Type: Feature Request :heavy_plus_sign:,New feature or request,a2eeef
Type: Good First Issue :green_heart:,Good for newcomers,5CC8FF
Type: Hygiene :broom:,"Things related to testing, issue triage etc.",7D7ABC
Expand Down

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