A few years back I need some code to control a DLI Web Power Switch 7 (https://dlidirect.com/products/web-power-switch-7), eventually this code was ported to a Raspberry Pi running .NET Core 1.1 (and then later versions), to provide a library for knowing the state of individual switches and changing their state.
This has only been tested against my switch (running Version 1.8.1 (Dec 16 2014 / 02:00:17) (which is a hair out of date)), as well as some of the demo units they provide online.
This works by (unfortunately) pretending to be a web browser and parsing out specific known HTML values. It's ugly, but necessary given there is no RESTful (or other clean programmatic) interface for the Power Switch 1-7.
Some newer models have a REST interface: http://www.digital-loggers.com/restapi.pdf, something not currently (if ever) available on older models.
- DLIOutletController - .NET Standard 1.3 client library (usable in .NET Core & full framework)
- OutletController - .NET Core 1.1 console app which accepts IP address, username/password and command to:
- get status of switches
- toggle switch
- set individual switch state
OutletController.exe <controller ip address> -u <username> -p <password> --GetStatus
OutletController.exe <controller ip address> -u <username> -p <password> --Cycle 8
OutletController.exe <controller ip address> -u <username> -p <password> --SetSwitch 8 false
OutletController.exe -u admin -p 1234 --Cycle 8