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Releases: BrutPitt/glChAoS.P

glChAoS.P v1.6.9 ==> 1.7 WiP

03 Feb 21:34
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glChAoS.P v1.7WiP


Only Linux and Windows binaries are provided: this is last build to use directly on PC
Adding also MacOS binary (please read below)

Linux users

It's compiled with gcc 13 (13.3), therefore it should be forward compatible (e.g. starting from Ferdora 39 or Ubuntu 24.04)
*Is necessary to have installed GLFW package: (e.g. Ubuntu: sudo apt install libglfw3, Fedora: sudo dnf install glfw)

Windows users

It's compiled in "compatibility OpenGL 4.1" due to an unexpected problem on AMD Windows drivers, concerning GLSL subroutines (OpenGL 4.5)
Same hardware, with Linux, there are no problems (but AMD Linux driver are "open", those of Windows are proprietary)

MacOS users

Tested and compiled on Sonoma.
The file glChAoSP_OSX is an "terminal executable" and is necessary launch it from terminal: it CAN'T be "opened" with Finder (loses the original path). The old, written for Mojave, no longer works: requires review (I'm working on)
A Known problem there is with the "empiric" display resolution (Display Settings), it resizes the framebuffer of OpenGL, but the window remains unchanged: must be set to "More Space", or select manually (in Advanced) your NATIVE display resolution.


No installer provided / needed: just download the binary archive (it contains all binaries for Linux and Windows) and decompress it in a folder whatever: only the internal directories structure must be preserved.
Added tarball glChAoSP_release.tar.gz for Linux users: it's same but maintains executable attributes for binaries.

*please feel free to report any malfunction, also via direct e-mail (if you don't have a GitHub account ): email addresses are at the beginning of (any) source code file

glChAoS.P v1.5.3

08 Jul 04:58
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JetBrains supports glChAoS.PwglChAoS.P

many thanks to JetBrains for donating o.s.license for all their excellent products


glChAoS.P ⋅ wglChAoS.P ==>


What's new in v1.5.3

In TransformFeedback multi-dot emitter (for "continuous" dp/dt attractors)

  • Split View: in addition to PiP now is possible to visualize, side by side, both cockpit and standard view
  • Cockpit view have now possibility to select both fixed distance (from core) or fixed time interval (variable distance by speed)
  • Magnitude (size) for starting emitted particles
  • Magnitude intensity
  • Magnitude attenuation over time

Other news

  • Available settings for glow effect: mixing between standard gaussian-blur and "pure" glow effect
  • wglChAoS.P (WebGL) now have also dual pass gauss/blur/glow effects
  • new fastPRNG tool: it includes xoshiro / xoroshiro (Blackman/Vigna), xorshift and other Marsaglia algorithms.

*Please view previous releases for all news

Known Issues

  • Some attractors, presnt in the additional SavedList, may not have optimized parameters for the new features


  • binary file for Windows 32bit is no longer provided, it can however be compiled via VisualSudio.
    (or contact me if you need it)


No installer provided / needed: just download the binary archive (it contains all binaries for all O.S.) and decompress it in a folder whatever: only the internal directories structure must be preserved.
Added tarball glChAoSP_release.tar.gz for Linux users: it's same but maintains executable attributes for binaries.
(I am available for any problem).

WebGL live / online version 1.5.3

The WebGL/WebAssembly version is online at this link: wglChAoS.P

With the new Attractors website pages you have full access to math formulas, computational code, and permit you to explore interactively any single attractor: AttractorsFormula
Soon also

*Please read the warnings and hardware/software requirement

glChAoS.P v1.5.0

31 May 09:43
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JetBrains supports glChAoS.PwglChAoS.P

many thanks to JetBrains for donating o.s.license for all their excellent products


glChAoS.P ⋅ wglChAoS.P ==>


What's new in v1.5.0

News from previuos beta

  • Better and more natural shadows
  • Scattered shadow alternative (using random Poisson disk)
  • New Attractors: Qi-Chen, Qi 3D, Chen-Celikovsky, Tamari, Shimizu-Morioka, Bruke-Shaw, Popcorn4D simple

Already present in v1.5.0beta
The main feature is the transformFeedback multiDot emitter added.
Now all dp/dt attractors (yellow tag) have an additional new emitter type to visualize them in a progressive way and/or with multiDot (spray) effect.
Is also possible to travel, in first person (cockpit view), within the particles, following the evolution of the attractors.

Simulating a comet's journey in Lorenz attractor Voyage in Multi-Chua II attractor


New menu is available to adjust these settings:

1) Panoramic/CockPit dots/s: different emitter speed for any view
2) Number of dots for each step, real dots/s emitted are: dots/s * Emit#
3) Multiplication factor of initial radial random speed
4) Air friction/deceleration
5) Point size: there are 3 different "pointSize" for: singleDot emitter, multiDot emitter and cockpitView
6) Particles LifeTime, in sec.
7) LifeTime attenuation: when the lifeTime ends, in blending mode, the particle attenuates the intensity of this factor, any second
8) Wind direction and intensity (in units/s)
9) Gravity/Acceleration direction and intensity (in units/s)
A) Toggle cockpit view and related settings (following controls)
B) Smoothing distance: in blending mode attenuates the intensity of near dots by distance
C) Clipping distance: skip to draw closer particles
D) PiP (Picture In Picture) feature
E) TagretView is the current emitted dot, PointOfView is positioned on the wake: it adjusts the distance from head (it follows the attractor direction).
F) Move back the PoV: it follows the vector PoV -> TGT
G) Rotate the cam around TagretView, or better: around attractor head (last emitted dot), use reset to reposition the cam
H) Move forward the TagretView position

Other new features:

  • GloboToroid attractor (thanks to the suggestion of Joe Carmon)
  • Synchronous OpenGL mode option (for slow GPU)
  • Speed up 30% DLA3D
  • More AO (ambient occlusion) accuracy: range check
  • Save clipping planes settings


  • MacOS version now is fluid: solved stuttering problems
  • Now buffer stops exactly on the end
  • Little issues with shadow and clipping planes
  • Several fixes of new features present in v.1.5.0beta
  • Some minor general bugs fixed

Known Issues

  • Some attractors, presnt in the additional SavedList, has been previously saved with not optimized parameters for the new shadow algorithm: try to select AutoLightPosition (and/or tell me if you have problems)


  • Attractors are identified by color (not anymore by symbols)
  • The selection identifies the attractor currently displayed


No installer provided / needed: just download the binary archive (it contains all binaries for all O.S.) and decompress it in a folder whatever: only the internal directories structure must be preserved.
Added tarball glChAoSP_release.tar.gz for Linux users: it's same but maintains executable attributes for binaries.
Starting from 1.4.0 release, there are no more binaries in the source code repository.
Please use last glChAoSP_release zip/tar.gz archive, with internal directory structure, or build the current WorkInProgress (WiP) release from source code (I am available for any problem).

WebGL live / online version 1.5.0

The WebGL/WebAssembly version is online at this link: wglChAoS.P

With the new Attractors website pages you have full access to math formulas, computational code, and permit you to explore interactively any single attractor: AttractorsFormula
Soon also

*Please read the warnings and hardware/software requirement

glChAoS.P v1.5.0 beta

07 May 03:06
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glChAoS.P v1.5.0 beta Pre-release


JetBrains supports glChAoS.PwglChAoS.P

many thanks to JetBrains for donating o.s.license for all their excellent products


glChAoS.P ⋅ wglChAoS.P ==>


What's new in v1.5.0beta

The main feature is the transformFeedback multiDot emitter added.
Now all dp/dt attractors (yellow tag) have an additional new emitter type to visualize them in a progressive way and/or with multiDot (spray) effect.
Is also possible to travel, in first person (cockpit view), within the particles, following the evolution of the attractors.

Simulating a comet's journey in Lorenz attractor Voyage in Multi-Chua II attractor


New menu is available to adjust these settings:

1) Panoramic/CockPit dots/s: different emitter speed for any view
2) Number of dots for each step, real dots/s emitted are: dots/s * Emit#
3) Multiplication factor of initial radial random speed
4) Air friction/deceleration
5) Point size: there are 3 different "pointSize" for: singleDot emitter, multiDot emitter and cockpitView
6) Particles LifeTime, in sec.
7) LifeTime attenuation: when the lifeTime ends, in blending mode, the particle attenuates the intensity of this factor, any second
8) Wind direction and intensity (in units/s)
9) Gravity/Acceleration direction and intensity (in units/s)
A) Toggle cockpit view and related settings (following controls)
B) Smoothing distance: in blending mode attenuates the intensity of near dots by distance
C) Clipping distance: skip to draw closer particles
D) PiP (Picture In Picture) feature
E) TagretView is the current emitted dot, PointOfView is positioned on the wake: it adjusts the distance from head (it follows the attractor direction).
F) Move back the PoV: it follows the vector PoV -> TGT
G) Rotate the cam around TagretView, or better: around attractor head (last emitted dot), use reset to reposition the cam
H) Move forward the TagretView position

Other new features:

  • GloboToroid attractor (from a suggestion of Joe Carmon)
  • Synchronous OpenGL mode option (for slow GPU)
  • Speed up 30% DLA3D
  • More AO (ambient occlusion) accuracy: range check
  • Save clipping planes settings


  • Now buffer stops exactly on the end
  • MacOS version now is fluid: resolved stuttering problems
  • Little issues with shadow and clipping planes
  • Problem with
  • Many minor bugs fixed


  • Attractors are identified by color (not anymore by symbols)
  • The selection identifies the attractor currently displayed
  • Some internal changes in emitter engine


No installer provided / needed: just download the binary archive (it contains all binaries for all O.S.) and decompress it in a folder whatever: only the internal directories structure must be preserved.
Added tarball glChAoSP_release.tar.gz for Linux users: it's same but maintains executable attributes for binaries.
Starting from 1.4.0 release, there are no more binaries in the source code repository.
Please use last glChAoSP_release zip/tar.gz archive, with internal directory structure, or build the current WorkInProgress (WiP) release from source code (I am available for any problem).

WebGL live / online version 1.5.0

The WebGL/WebAssembly version is online at this link: wglChAoS.P

With the new Attractors website pages you have full access to math formulas, computational code, and permit you to explore interactively any single attractor: AttractorsFormula
Soon also

*Please read the warnings and hardware/software requirement

glChAoS.P v1.4.3 beta

17 Dec 22:04
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glChAoS.P v1.4.3 beta Pre-release

Adding save PNG file with transparent background, from this proposal:


This is a beta, with no other changes: only Linux and Windows binaries.
The source files are not still synchronized.

  • left-shift+PrtScrn -> normal capture (without dialog)
  • right-shift+PrtScrn -> capture with transparent background (without dialog)
  • left-ctrl+PrtScrn -> normal capture (with save-dialog)
  • right-ctrl+PrtScrn -> capture with transparent background (with savedialog)

glChAoS.P / wglChAoS.P v1.4.2

21 Nov 01:00
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New 11 unedited attractor types

An absolutely personal and original transposition in 3D/4D of famous 2D attractors:

sShot_20191118_173632 sShot_20191113_43629
sShot_20191113_22737 sShot_20191113_2269
sShot_20191112_04710 sShot_20191113_22333

Full descriptions, math formulas and code in the relative webpage: PopCorn, Mira, Hopalong and...
now any single attractor is also explorable interactively via WebGL/WebAssembly directly from website.

What's new in v1.4.2

  • 11 new attractors type
  • Added widget to change background color
  • Shadows have "automatic bias" regulation, in base to distance: it avoids the dark halo in far objects (the bias setting remains to fine tuning)
  • Added option for Slow GPU (Settings (F8) menu): it starts any attractor in PointSprite mode, that is faster of billboard, and with GLOW OFF (it's critical mostly in macOS), after the attractor is loaded you are free to select whatever you want: also BillBoard and GLOW
  • SlowMotion function for non chaotic attractors (dp/dt), to view the evolution and cyclicity (in beta: don't save yet the values)


  • Object auto/idle rotation ON/OFF (default now is OFF): toggle idle continue object rotation with "G" key, or form View tools (F5) menu
  • Object PAN/move, with mouse, now use CTRL+rightButton (instead SHIFT+rightButton), to avoid conflict with WebGL release (Firefox uses SHIFT+rightButton for context menu and cannot be disabled)
  • Now the object is auto-placed in center of the view, when changing the Center of Rotation
  • Default window size, for the first execution is 1680x1024 (instead of 1280x1024): you can save size and position that you prefer from Settings (F8) menu


No installer provided / needed: just download the binary archive (it contains all binaries for all O.S.) and decompress it in a folder whatever: only the internal directories structure must be preserved.
Added tarball glChAoSP_release.tar.gz for Linux users: it's same but maintains executable attributes for binaries.
Starting from 1.4.0 release, there are no more binaries in the source code repository.
Please use last glChAoSP_release zip/tar.gz archive, with internal directory structure, or build the current WorkInProgress (WiP) release from source code (I am available for any problem).

WebGL live / online version 1.4.2

The WebGL/WebAssembly version is online at this link: wglChAoS.P

With the new Attractors website pages you have full access to math formulas, computational code, and permit you to explore interactively any single attractor: AttractorsFormula

*Please read the warnings and hardware/software requirement

glChAoS.P / wglChAoS.P v1.4.0

21 Oct 13:32
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What's new

  • Clipping planes
    • with/without boundary coloring, thickness and transparency
    • union or intersection between planes
  • Better shadows rendering/smoothing
    • possibility also to enable a bigger FrameBuffer for more accurate shadows ==> settings menu
  • DLA3D speedup (about 20%)
  • Default paths selection for PLY/CFG ==> settings menu
  • Default starting attractor (random or selected ==> settings menu)
  • wglChAoS.P
    • Better smoothed particles visualization

Clipping planes shots

Boundary Coloring w/o Boundary Coloring
sShot_20191021_135142a sShot_20191021_135216
TWO planes THREE planes
sShot_20191021_134829 sShot_20191021_13439


No installer provided / needed: just download the binary archive (it contains all binaries for all O.S.) and decompress it in a folder whatever: only the internal directories structure must be preserved.
In alternative clone the project form github or download master repository (it contains everything: source code and binaries).
Added it's same but was zipped on OSX, Mac users choose this
Starting from this release, there are no more binaries in the source code repository: sorry for the inconvenience, but they risk not being synchronized with also small changes in the GLSL shaders code.
Please use last glChAoS.P release zip archive, with internal directory structure, or build the current WorkInProgress (WiP) release from source code (I am available for any problem).

For a correct use/installation for a particular operating system, please read the main page: glChAoS.P

WebGL live / online version 1.4.0

The WebGL vesion is online at this link: wglChAoS.P
now with touch screen support and new rendering engine
Please read the warnings and hardware/software requirement

glChAoS.P / wglChAoS.P v1.3.1

02 Sep 17:48
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with new, more accurate, rendering engine

To more info go to main project glChAoS.P page or visit the glChAoS.P site

What's new

  • New Rendering Engine
    • Availability (selectable) of DualPass Accurate Rendering with surface reconstruction from depth-Buffer
    • Ambient Occlusion for both rendering methods
    • Shadows for both rendering methods
    • note: AmbientOcclusion / Shadows / DualPassAccurateRendering features are NOT available when "blending" is active
DualPass DualPass + AO DualPass + AO + Shadows

Watch the new rendering engine features in a Video Example

  • New 3D DLA (Diffusion Limited Aggregation)
    • Extended Import PLY function to resume the growth of DLA over any object
Thomas Attractor DLA on Thomas Attractor

Watch DLA3D Video Example or DLA3D over Thomas Attractor Video

Available new EXPERIMENTAL wglChAoS.P - WebGL with new rendering engine

*Please read the browser settings requirement (Windows Users)


  • Linux executable is no longer compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 concurrently with the end of the support (April 2019), but the compatibility remains at source code level: you can compile to build your executable.
  • wglChAoS.P (WebGL version): for expensive use of GL resources, Shadows / AO / DualPass Accurate Rendering features are not currently available on WebGL release


No installer provided / needed: just download the binary archive (it contains all binaries for all O.S.) and decompress it in a folder whatever: only the internal directories structure must be preserved.
In alternative clone the project form github or download master repository (it contains everything: source code and binaries).

For a correct use/installation for a particular operating system, please read the main page: glChAoS.P

WebGL live / online version 1.3.1

The WebGL vesion is online at this link: wglChAoS.P
now with touch screen support and new rendering engine
Please read the warnings and hardware/software requirement

glChAoS.P / wglChAoS.P v1.3

29 Aug 05:54
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with new, more accurate, rendering engine

To more info go to main project glChAoS.P page or visit the glChAoS.P site

What's new

  • New Rendering Engine
    • Availability (selectable) of DualPass Accurate Rendering with surface reconstruction from depth-Buffer
    • Ambient Occlusion for both rendering methods
    • Shadows for both rendering methods
    • note: AmbientOcclusion / Shadows / DualPassAccurateRendering features are NOT available when "blending" is active
DualPass DualPass + AO DualPass + AO + Shadows

Watch the new rendering engine features in a Video Example

  • New 3D DLA (Diffusion Limited Aggregation)
    • Extended Import PLY function to resume the growth of DLA over any object
Thomas Attractor DLA on Thomas Attractor

Watch DLA3D Video Example or DLA3D over Thomas Attractor Video


  • Linux executable is no longer compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 concurrently with the end of the support (April 2019), but the compatibility remains at source code level: you can compile to build your executable.
  • wglChAoS.P (WebGL version): for expensive use of GL resources, Shadows / AO / DualPass Accurate Rendering features are not currently available on WebGL release


No installer provided / needed: just download the binary archive (it contains all binaries for all O.S.) and decompress it in a folder whatever: only the internal directories structure must be preserved.
In alternative clone the project form github or download master repository (it contains everything: source code and binaries).

For a correct use/installation for a particular operating system, please read the main page: glChAoS.P

WebGL live / online version 1.3

The WebGL vesion is online at this link: wglChAoS.P
now with touch screen support and new rendering engine
Please read the warnings and hardware/software requirement

glChAoS.P / wglChAoS.P v1.2

08 Apr 10:11
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Ver 1.2 with new particles lighting model rendering engine

What's new

  • New particles (real-time) rendering engine with ray-march quality and same speed:
    • New lighting models: Phong / BlinnPhong / GGX
    • Light distance (control)
  • New configuration settings (before selected only at building time):
    • Calculus mode (single or separable thread)
    • Main buffer type (single mapped buffer or gpu buffer + support buffer)
    • Support buffer dimension
    • Limit of Max Number of Particles now is 267 Million (about 4GB)
    • Low / High precision
    • Program restart is no longer necessary to apply changes
  • Mouse wheel support for zoom/dolly
  • New Attractors: Dequan-Li, Multi-Chua II, Zhou-Chen, Mira3D (Mira 2D attractor ported on 3D)
  • FXAA improvement and optimization

wglChAoS.P (WebGL version)

  • New changes are available also for WebGL version.
  • Correct a bug on "pointsprite" texture (upside/down rendering on lighted dots: flipped Y), afflicted only WebGL version.


  • Linux executable is no longer compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 concurrently with the end of the support (April 2019), but the compatibility remains at source code level: you can compile to build your executable.

Executable installation

No installation program is provided: just clone it form github or download master repository (it contains everything: source code and executables) or download the binary archive (it contains all executables for all O.S.) and decompress it in a folder whatever: only the internal directories structure must be preserved.

For a correct use/installation for a particular operating system, please read the main page: glChAoS.P

WebGL live / online version 1.2

The WebGL vesion is online at this link: wglChAoS.P
now with touch screen support and new rendering engine
Please read the warnings and hardware/software requirement