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Interactivity and Miscellaneous Options

Mottie edited this page Dec 13, 2012 · 12 revisions

Sections: Interactivity Options | Deprecated

clickForwardArrow ("click")

  • This is the named event used to activate the forward navigation arrow functionality.
  • By default the forward arrow key is clicked to activate, but if you so desire you can use "mouseenter" or include "swiperight" for mobile devices (you will also need to include jQuery Mobile).

clickBackArrow ("click")

  • This is the named event used to activate the back navigation arrow functionality.
  • By default the back arrow key is clicked to activate, but if you so desire you can use "mouseenter" or include "swipeleft" for mobile devices (you will also need to include jQuery Mobile).

clickControls ("click focusin")

  • This is the named event(s) used to activate the navigation control functionality.
  • This does not include the slideshow play/stop - see the clickSlideShow option below.
  • By default the navigation links are activated when clicked and on focusin which occurs when the link gets focus from tabbing through the current page.

clickSlideshow ("click")

  • This is the named event(s) used to activate the slideshow play/stop functionality.
  • By default the slideshow link is activated when clicking on the link. This then toggles the slideshow as either playing or stopped.

allowRapidChange (false)

  • This options allows you to rapidly change the active pane. Instead of ignoring activity during the panel animation, a new panel change is triggered.
  • By default, this option is false causing rapid panel changes to be ignored, as it always has behaved.

clickArrows ("click")

  • This option was removed in Version 1.7 and it's functionality split into the clickForwardArrow and clickBackArrow options.
  • This is the named event used to activate navigation arrows functionality.
  • By default the arrow keys are clicked to activate, but if you so desire you can use "mouseenter" or any other event.

maxOverallWidth (32766)

  • This option was removed in Version 1.7 and moved into the css in the form of .anythingBase { max-width: 32766px; }
  • This option sets the overall max width the slider in pixels.
  • This limitation is only set to prevent problems with Opera because it's maximum element width is 32766 pixels.
  • If this limitation is ever removed from opera, or you don't care about opera compatibility, set to number higher.
  • Update: The css for max-width was removed in version 1.7.21 as Opera removed the limitation.