Me (Kaitlyn), or Carnations Botanica is not responsible for any data loss incurred by using this kernel extension. Although it is highly unlikely, you have been warned.
Dead-simple Intel(tm) MKL (Math Kernel Library) patcher for macOS, with a twist.
Hackintoshes with AMD CPUs have infamously had a problem with software compiled against Intel's MKL, often resulting in many popular applications just not running correctly or at all.
This is where IntelMKLFixup comes in, IntelMKLFixup will invisibly patch bits of Intel's MKL in memory to help provide compatibility for AMD CPUs, without any user interaction or tweaking. Thus, allowing applications that once ran incorrectly or didn't work at all, to now run with little to no issues.
- vit9696 (and contributors) for RestrictEvents, which served as the basis for this project.
- Tomnic for the original patching guide, which helped point me in the right direction.
- NyaomiDEV for AMDFriend, which served as inspiration for this project.
- And to anybody who gave me words of encouragement or helped me figure out kernel extension development, thank you.