Simple C++/ROS/Matlab interface to send commands to kuka_lwr ( controlled robots.
- A PC with Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS kinetic (also other version should work)
- A PC (can be the same one) with MATLAB R2016b at least
In a terminal:
- mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
- cd ~/catkin_ws/src
- catkin_init_workspace
- git clone
- cd ~/catkin_ws
- catkin_make
In Matlab, add the directory kuka_interface/matlab_to_ros/RealTime_Pacer/RealTime_Pacer using the AddPath utility.
In the matlab_to_ros folder you can find some simulink schemes. Using these you can send commands to the nodes stored in the kuka_interface_pkg.
Use matlab_to_ros as current folder, then in the command Window of matlab:
- rosinit('http://ROS_MASTER_IP:11311'), substitute ROS_MASTER_IP with the IP of the pc hosting the roscore
- init
Open one of the simulink schemes and use them to send commands to ROS.
To finish:
- rosshutdown
Using one of the nodes in the kuka_interface_pkg you can send command directly to a robot using the kuka_lwr software in position control.
To start the interface for single-lwr-example type in a terminal (after the robot is started):
- rosrun kuka_interface_pkg single_lwr_manager_node
now commands can be sent using matlab, or, as an example:
- rosrun kuka_interface_pkg single_lwr_homing
To start the interface for the two-arms configuration type in a terminal (after the robot is started):
- roslaunch kuka_interface_pkg manager.launch
now commands can be sent using matlab, or, as an example:
- rosrun kuka_interface_pkg homing