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Helsinki-profile / OmaHelsinki / Citizen-profile UI

UI for citizen-profile.





Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Scripts generates first environment variables to public/env-config.js with scripts/update-runtime-env.ts, which contains the actual used variables when running the app. App is not using default process.env way to refer of variables but window._env_ object.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

Scripts generates first environment variables to public/env-config.js with scripts/update-runtime-env.ts, which contains the actual used variables when running the app. App is not using default process.env way to refer of variables but window._env_ object.

yarn test:e2e

Runs end-to-end tests using Playwright.

It is recommended to run these tests to ensure the overall functionality and user experience of the application.

The tests use the following environment variables to configure the URLs of different components or services that they interact with:


Please ensure these environment variables are correctly set in your environment before running the tests.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles app in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about build for more information.

Note that running built application locally you need to generate also public/env-config.js file. It can be done with yarn update-runtime-env. By default it's generated for development environment if no NODE_ENV is set.

yarn codegen

Generate static types for GraphQL queries by using the schema from the backend server.

yarn update-translations

Fetches translation data from our Google Spreadsheet and updates translation files. See .env for configuration.

You still need to update tests and add the translation files to the git repository manually.

yarn update-runtime-env

Generates variable object used when app is running. Generated object is stored at public/env-config.js and available as window._env_ object.

Generation uses values from either environment variables or files.

At the production deployment same generation is done with

yarn update-country-codes

Fetches country calling codes and generates src/i18n/countryCallingCodes.json file. See scripts/update-country-calling-codes.ts for more information.

Environment variables

Name Description
REACT_APP_HELSINKI_ACCOUNT_AMR Authentication method reference for Helsinki account.
default: helsinki_tunnus
REACT_APP_OIDC_AUTHORITY This is the URL to tunnistamo.
REACT_APP_OIDC_CLIENT_ID ID of the client that has to be configured in tunnistamo.
REACT_APP_OIDC_SCOPE Which scopes the app requires.
REACT_APP_PROFILE_AUDIENCE Name of the api-token that client uses profile-api with.
REACT_APP_PROFILE_BE_GDPR_CLIENT_ID Client id used when getting gdpr authentication token for connected services
REACT_APP_PROFILE_GRAPHQL URL to the profile graphql.
REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN Sentry public dns-key. Both REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN and REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT has to be set to send error reports.
REACT_APP_OIDC_RESPONSE_TYPE Which response type to require.
REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_GDPR_CLIENT_ID Client id for getting auth codes from keycloak
REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_AUTHORITY Url to Keycloak. The openid config is fetched from this url
REACT_APP_MFA_ENABLED Show multi factor authentication section in ui

Setting up local development environment with Docker

Set tunnistamo hostname

Add the following line to your hosts file (/etc/hosts on mac and linux): tunnistamo-backend

Create a new OAuth app on GitHub

Go to and add a new app with the following settings:

Save. You'll need the created Client ID and Client Secret for configuring tunnistamo in the next step.

Install local tunnistamo


Follow the instructions for setting up tunnistamo locally. Before running docker-compose up set the following settings in tunnistamo roots docker-compose.env.yaml:

  • SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY: Client ID from the GitHub OAuth app
  • SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET: Client Secret from the GitHub OAuth app

Run docker-compose up

After container is up and running, few things need to be set up at http://localhost:8000/admin

OIDC client

The ID of this client must be the same as set in the REACT_APP_OIDC_CLIENT_ID environment variable.

Requires the following things:

  • Response types - 'code' OR 'id_token token'
  • Redirect URIs (app-url is where the UI is running, e.g. http://localhost:3000 for development) - {app-url}/callback, {app-url}/silent_renew
  • Client ID - the name as noted above
  • Login methods - which providers can be used to authenticate, should have at least GitHub enabled for development.

API Scopes

The scopes this app uses are set with the REACT_APP_OIDC_SCOPE environment variable.

Install local open-city-profile


  1. Create a docker-compose.env.yaml file in the project folder:

    • Use docker-compose.env.yaml.example as a base, it does not need any changes for getting the project running.

    • Change DEBUG and the rest of the Django settings if needed.

      • TOKEN_AUTH_*, settings for tunnistamo authentication service
    • Set entrypoint/startup variables according to taste.

      • CREATE_SUPERUSER, creates a superuser with credentials admin:admin ([email protected])
      • APPLY_MIGRATIONS, applies migrations on startup
      • BOOTSTRAP_DIVISIONS, bootstrap data import for divisions
  2. Run docker-compose up


If running on Linux or MacOS, easiest way is to just run the app without docker. Any semi-new version of node should probably work, the docker-image is set to use node 14.

docker-compose up starts the container.


Run yarn to install dependencies, start app with yarn start.

The graphql-backend for development is located at, it has graphiql installed so you can browse it in your browser!

Learn More

To learn more about specific choices in this repository, you can browse the docs.