A variety of useful C data structures to aid in future projects:
More to come in the future...
- Header file: dynamic_array.h
- Code file: dynamic_array.c
This data structure essentially functions as an array, but is automatically resized as new items are added. Deleting items from the array requires either reordering or moving all items to fill in the empty space. Each item in the array is the same size, set when the array is first created.
- Header file: dyll_array.h
- Code file: dyll_array.c
While similar to the Dynamic Array, the Dynamic Linked-List Array (or DyLL), stores items as a doubly-linked-list as opposed to an array. The linked-list is automatically resized as new items are added. Items can be deleted from anywhere in the array and order is maintained without moving anything. Each item in the array can be a different size.
- Header file: xml.h
- Code file: xml.c
Allows you to create and manipulate an XML structure in memory using a series of function calls.
Note: This object still needs some work...