The purpose of this repository is to host review files (typically .java files) intended to aid in data structure review.
Each java file has a specific topic, such as
, and aims to provide easy to understand java code to perform the
intended action (Sorting via Heapsort in this case).
I encourage you to fork the repo, create your own review, and then submit a pull request.
If you wish to see another topic in this review, submit an issue with the new topic in mind.
- Shaan
- Diwen
- Affix Review
- Balanced Bracket
- Prefix Evaluator
- Postfix Evaluator
- Data Structure Review
- Linked List
- IntLinkedBag
- Queue
- Linked List Stack
- Array Stack
- Graph Review
- Inorder
- Postorder
- Preorder
- Hashing Review
- Chained Hashing
- Double Hashing
- Linear Hashing
- Quadratic Hashing
- Miscellaneous Review
- Enum
- Queue Review
- Generic Queue Interface
- Circular Array Queue
- Reverse Queue
- Sorting Review
- Heap Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quick Sort
- Selection Sort
- Tree Review
- Binary Search Tree (Insertion and Removal)
- Red-Black Tree
- Tree Rotation (Left and Right)
- Compare Binary Trees
- Remove all Leaves
- Tree Depth
- B-Trees
- MST (Kruskals and Prim)
- Shortest Path (Dijkstras)
- Merge Sort
- Bubble Sort