Video Tutorial (Note: This is on the old UI 0.1)
- Open the Wallpaper Engine Workshop Page and chose a wallpaper
Warning .mp4 wallpapers are recommended; there is support for other formats, but it's not perfect (.pkg). EDIT: Currently other format are disabled, please only use .mp4
- Copy & Paste the link for the workshop page into the software
- Click the download button and click on "Download from steam client"
- Click the convert button on select your ******.zip file, And its done!, > Tip
If your file was a .pkg search in the file explorer for "*.mp4" or "*.png to find a compatible file.
"Your file is invalid, Make sure its a video background in the .mp4 format". But my wallpaper is a video!
Make sure its a video, sometimes background look like video but they are shaders, web-pages...
"Its crashing when opened" (.py version)
If you are running the .py version check if you have all the lib installed on your system
"There is a bug/issue"
You can report issues / bugs in the "Issues" tab of this project!