Monitor your spa hot tub (gecko or Balboa) over WiFi with iphone/android push notifications. I used a Heltec WiFi 32 because it has a nice little display and they're super compact.
Push notifications are sent to the mobile device using the PushOver app. I recommend paying for it to support the developers because it's super awesome. The alerts that you will receive include high/low temperature warnings and lost communication errors. Every hour a "ping" with latest information is pushed. Otherwise, a heater ON/OFF change is sent so you can see how often the heater is running. Here's a screenshot of the push notification history on my iPhone. You can see how the heater change is sent with information about the last run. Also you can see the hourly update notification. There is also a message in this example of lost communication - this is because i had the hot tub powered off at that time while cleaning the filter. T
You can see it operating in this photo. The display presents statistics about the operation of the spa.
The Spa uses an RJ45 connector. I used a RJ45 splitter to connect both the top controls and this Heltec WiFi 32 monitor program thingy that I made.
Pin 1 Power Vcc Pin 2 Input Light Pin 3 Input Pump 1 Pin 4 Power GND Pin 5 Output Data (Display) Pin 6 Output Clock Pin 7 Input Pump 2 Pin 8 Input Temperature
Connect the Heltec WiFi 32 to the Spa using these steps. Also configure the account. Register a new application and paste the credentials in the file.
- Choose the wifi mode by uncomment AP_MODE or not
- Enter the SSID/PWD for either AP or Client mode
- Connect GND from the Spa (Pin #4) to the Heltec GND (they need to have common gnd)
- Connect Spa Data (Pin #5) to Heltech pin #12
- Connect Spa Clock (Pin #6) to Heltech pin #14
- Get USER Key and API Token from
- Edit the #defines below
I created this to monitor the temperature and heater activity of my hot tub during the winter months. Up here in Canada, things freeze in the winter. If the power went out or GFI tripped then I want to know if my hot tub needs attention. You could put the Heltec in the spa and power it off USB, but I ran a 50ft RJ45 ethernet cable and put the Heltec in my house. This way I can update the firmware and see the display.
Anyway, so this little project will send a push notification to your phone every hour with the status of the hot tub temperature, heater and various other stats. The neat thing is you can see when the heater turns ON and OFF, and how long it was active for. Your phone will receive a push notification for the status change of the heater. That way, you can monitor how effecient the hot tub is at different temperatures when not in use.
A drunk monkey created the spa protocol and circuit on these things in the mid 90's - and nothing has changed since. The signal on the RJ45 is super noisy, and the protocol design really missed out on an opprotunity for being a lot smarter. Considering they use clock and data wires to send the display, they should have just used RX/TX for serial to have bi-directional communication. But, they didn't, so instead I had to reverse engineer their mess. You'll notice in my code that I sample the signal 100-200 times before validating the temperature or display. This is because for what ever reason the data bits will sometimes not be set. So, to trust the data and interpret the temperature, I have to sample the packet 200 times. UGH!
You'll notice a number of comical hacks in my code because of their poor understanding of technology when the first spa packs were created. Rant is over :)