An awesome Login and register With Jwt ,Passwordhash, Refreshtoken Authentication Authorization.you can directly use this code in any Angular, .net website for best authentication.
This Project Mainy use ful for those people Who dont want to waste more time in create login process with oll the security stuff they can just download and edit some code and 💥 boom its done.
This project is an authentication system designed to manage user registration, login, and secure sessions using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). It features mechanisms for password hashing and token refreshing to enhance security and user experience.
- Purpose: Allows new users to create an account.
- Process:
- Users provide their credentials (e.g., username, email, and password).
- Passwords are hashed using a secure hashing algorithm (e.g., bcrypt) before storage.
- User data, including the hashed password, is saved in a database.
- Purpose: Authenticates users and issues access tokens.
- Process:
- Users submit their credentials (username/email and password).
- The provided password is hashed and compared with the stored hashed password in the database.
- Upon successful authentication, an access token (JWT) is generated and returned.
- Purpose: Provides a secure way to transmit information between parties.
- Usage:
- After successful login, a JWT containing user information and an expiration time is generated.
- The token is signed with a secret key to ensure its integrity and authenticity.
- The token is included in the
header of subsequent requests to access protected routes.
- Purpose: Allows users to obtain a new access token without re-authenticating.
- Usage:
- Alongside the access token, a refresh token is issued.
- When the access token expires, the refresh token can be used to request a new access token.
- Refresh tokens have a longer expiration time and are stored securely on the client-side.
- Purpose: Enhances security by protecting user passwords.
- Process:
- Passwords are hashed using a strong algorithm (e.g., bcrypt) before storage.
- During login, the entered password is hashed and compared with the stored hashed password.
- Hashing Algorithm: Use a strong and well-established hashing algorithm like bcrypt or Argon2.
- JWT Secret: Ensure the JWT secret key is kept secure.
- Token Expiry: Implement appropriate expiration times for both access and refresh tokens.
- Secure Storage: Store refresh tokens securely on the client side (e.g., in HTTP-only cookies).
Here is a screenshot of the application:
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Your Name- Dhruv Patel - [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/Dhruvpatel-7/AdvanceLogin