My motto, of many others: Many things don't really need an introduction. Just dive in! (that's like an "theoretical learning by doing".)
I started learning C# on 14.7.2022. (Not longer in use) Now I'm using C++ since 27.11.2023.
My learning style focuses on deep understanding, which is why new content and code are added gradually and periodically. At the moment, I am focusing more on theoretical concepts.
After that my plan is to make various scientific simulations and games. I decided to use Vulkan — not for performance reasons, but because I value the manual control it provides.
But also some small applications everyday life. (Details can be found at the bottom)
[Info]: “Sorted by the best from left to right.”
Programmers: C/C++ / Rust (but all others are also welcome!)
feedback from testers for my projects
Besides of Programming there are some areas that are related to Game-Development
Digital 2D and 3D artists.
Composers/Musicians (like me): [Info] Respect for all, but I value crafting music with hands over clicking with a mouse.
- Male (obviously)
- Unfortunately already 17 Years Old (Time is flying! D:)
Discord: Drominito1010/Drominito1511 | E-Mail : [email protected]
- I approach every problem by asking why, aiming to understand its core.
- Balace perfectionism and pragmatism
- Patient, lifelong learner
- I'm a piano composer and love creating music intuitively.
- Blender/Aseprite enthusiast
- Creating > Gaming
- Saving the best for last!
Although I don't maintain these anymore, they mark the start of my journey. Someday, I'll rewrite them in C++ or revisit them for inspiration.
- Sound Engine
- Fluid Engine
- Bacteria
- Physic Based Rendering (PBR)
- Physics/Particle
- Terrain & Procedual Assets generation
- Gravitation & Planets/Galaxy/...
- Delivering the best difference so it becomes hard comparable with other games.
- Putting big value in to story and Design Aesthetics
- Even games with minimal graphics should still be enjoyable.
- Commonly about Building/Crafting
- Main Ideas are about Micro-Life-Survival and Space Games.
- Own Server/Pc/Mobile Data-Exchange
- Automate things (Smarthome <-> Desktop, Smart Home, ...)
- Embedded/Hardware Programming
- AI (It is a suprise :D)
- All from "# Tools I use"
- LaTeX
- Docker
- C standard-library
- C++ standard-library
- Wayland & SDL3
- Much other Books (but they are about like Atonomy/Art, basic Physics, ...)
- Linear Algebra
- Linux
- Vulkan
- Algorithms and Data Structures + Here at most from various Sources
- Calculus,
- Math Acoustics,
- Waves and Vibrations,
- Design(Games, Coding, ..) || / && Psychology about it,
- Digital Signal Processing