Nukkit is nuclear-powered server software for Minecraft: Pocket Edition. It has a few key advantages over other server software:
- Written in Java, Nukkit is faster and more stable.
- Having a friendly structure, it's easy to contribute to Nukkit's development and rewrite plugins from other platforms into Nukkit plugins.
Nukkit is under improvement yet, we welcome contributions.
Thank you for visiting our official sites. Our official websites are provided free of charge, and we do not like to place ads on the home page affecting your reading. If you like this project, please donate to us. All the donations will only be used for Nukkit websites and services.
First, clone this project. Then please also clone EaseCation/Network next to this project as the graph following:
├── Nukkit
└── Network
For Gradle installation, please refer to this guide: Installation - Gradle.
Finally, you can run:
gradle shadowJar
The fat jar will be generated at target/libs/nukkit-1.0.0-all.jar
Simply run java -jar nukkit.jar
Information on Nukkit's API can be found at the wiki.
Please read the CONTRIBUTING guide before submitting any issue. Issues with insufficient information or in the wrong format will be closed and will not be reviewed.