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local development

need to overwrite .env for local devlopment; adjust env variables to suit your need(if not sure; delete other file like .env.devlopment, .env.local)

to install deps and create .env for your packages, run:

yarn install

whenever necessary to re-create .env for packages; under root path, run below command :

yarn env-gen

to start redis, postgres and bullboard using docker (first time may take a while):

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up 

need re-build(time-comsuming), run: docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --build

bullboard url: http://localhost:1000/bullboard

run sbt-api:

cd packages/ecn-sbt-api 
yarn dev

run web-api:

cd packages/ecn-web-api 
yarn start

run discord-bot:

cd packages/ecn-discord-bot
yarn dev 

run frontend:

cd packages/ecn-web-frontend
npx next dev -p 5382

then in : localhost:5382

seed data in local db: go into packages/ecn-prisma