SPiDeR ONE - prototype of an autonomous robot which uses a combination of Hector-SLAM/OctoMapping and Kalman-Filters to navigate in unknown environments.
Freenove Quadruped Robot Kit including acrylic parts, servos and the Arduino Mega Servo-Board. 100€
a Raspberry PI Zero W - 30€
RPI fisheye cam - 20€
SD-Card - i use 32GB - ?
SSD1306 OLED Display - 8€
RPLIDAR A1 - 100€
MPU 9250 - gyro, accel, compass
at least 2x (i use 4x+) 14500 750mAh Batteries - don't try to use standard batteries
cables and some soldering tools
in my case i use cablebinder and rubberbands to attach the LIDAR and all the other parts on the chassis.
The Freenove Robot Kit is a perfect start for building up a small autonomous robot. We could make it much more easier by using a wheel based bot, but i love this creepy spider-style when it crawles around.
The Kit provides an Arduino Mega Controller Board which with Servo-Controllers onBoard. We will use this Board - as it is by default - as Controller-Board for all the body movement. We will modify/replace the Freenove Software to make our robot act much more natural and veeery creepy.
We will use diffenent types of software and programming languages when realizing all this:
- the Arduino will be programmed using Processing and very simple C++ but with a lot of funny mathstuff
- the Raspberry is programmed by some shell-skripts, python and ROS - ROS is a very very extensive "Toolset" which provides solutions for quite complicate problems such as SLAM (simultanous locating and mapping) - in our case using a 360° LIDAR (light/laser based range detection) and a wide angle camera.
First of all, build up the Freenove Robot Kit. Calibrate it and start playing with it. This will take you some time.. :) Now the custom part: