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Insert _project into getproperty's gradient, and then improve `z2…
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…d` etc. to restore stability (#1104)

* insert _project into getproperty

* use zygote2differential in _project

* improve type-stability of zygote2differential

* fix 1 test and break 2

* 2 not broken in fact

* skip inference test

* skip more inference tests

* improve inference for 1.6

* skip a test on 1.6

* skip 2

* handle nothings

* re-enable some inference tests on 1.6

* arrays of abstract tangents, and NamedTuple tests

* reverse dispatch for wrap_chainrules_input

* fix a typo

* fix more notation

* restore a test

* add DynamicPPL.jl

* fix a test

* try removing piracy

* restore some piracy, tidy

* reinterpret

* reinterpret

* collapse nothings

* DistributionsAD too

* collapse zeros in z2d

* comments

* indents

* change one comment
  • Loading branch information
mcabbott authored Nov 7, 2021
1 parent 60f53e7 commit 4ed3a86
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Showing 9 changed files with 239 additions and 87 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/Downstream.yml
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ jobs:
- {user: FluxML, repo: Flux.jl, group: All}
- {user: FluxML, repo: NNlib.jl, group: All}
- {user: TuringLang, repo: DynamicPPL.jl, group: All}
- {user: TuringLang, repo: DistributionsAD.jl, group: Zygote}
- {user: SciML, repo: DiffEqFlux.jl, group: Layers}
- {user: SciML, repo: NeuralPDE.jl, group: NNPDE}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "Zygote"
uuid = "e88e6eb3-aa80-5325-afca-941959d7151f"
version = "0.6.29"
version = "0.6.30"

AbstractFFTs = "621f4979-c628-5d54-868e-fcf4e3e8185c"
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154 changes: 116 additions & 38 deletions src/compiler/chainrules.jl
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Expand Up @@ -115,28 +115,61 @@ for T_outer in (:Tuple, :NamedTuple)
ChainRulesCore.backing(xp) # this is accessing ChainRulesCore internals, but it is prob safe enough, and it is fastest
# Could `reinterpret` instead of broadcasting here -- TODO
@inline wrap_chainrules_output(xs::AbstractArray{<:ChainRules.Tangent}) = wrap_chainrules_output.(xs)
wrap_chainrules_output(dxs::AbstractArray{<:Number}) = dxs
wrap_chainrules_output(dxs::AbstractArray{<:AbstractArray{<:Number}}) = dxs
wrap_chainrules_output(dxs::AbstractArray) = map(wrap_chainrules_output, dxs)
# As an optimisation, we can convert by `reinterpret` for bitstypes, e.g. arrays of tuples of numbers
@inline function wrap_chainrules_output(dxs::AbstractArray{<:ChainRules.Tangent{<:Any, B}}) where {B}
if isbitstype(B)
# B is the backing type. It still contains NoTangent etc, which need converting to Nothing
reinterpret(wrap_chainrules_output(B), dxs)
map(wrap_chainrules_output, dxs)
wrap_chainrules_output(::Type{<:AbstractZero}) = Nothing
wrap_chainrules_output(::Type{NamedTuple{L,T}}) where {L,T} = NamedTuple{L,wrap_chainrules_output(T)}
@generated function wrap_chainrules_output(::Type{T}) where T<:Tuple
inner = map(wrap_chainrules_output, T.parameters)

Convert `x` from the format Zygote uses internally to differentials types ChainRules uses.
Convert `dx` from the format Zygote uses internally to differentials types ChainRules uses.
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(x) = x
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(dx) = dx
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(::Nothing) = ChainRules.ZeroTangent()
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(::Tuple{Vararg{Nothing}}) = ChainRules.ZeroTangent()
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(::AbstractArray{Nothing}) = ChainRules.ZeroTangent()
@inline function wrap_chainrules_input(xs::Union{Tuple, NamedTuple})
xp = map(wrap_chainrules_input, xs)
ChainRules.Tangent{Any, typeof(xp)}(xp)
@inline function wrap_chainrules_input(dxs::Union{Tuple, NamedTuple})
xp = map(wrap_chainrules_input, dxs)
# This produces Tangent{Any} since it does not get to see the primal, `x`.
ChainRulesCore.Tangent{Any, typeof(xp)}(xp)
# For mutable types, including x=Ref(1), Zygote makes Ref{Any}(::NamedTuple)
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(x::Ref) = wrap_chainrules_input(x[])
# Could `reinterpret` instead of broadcasting here -- TODO
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(xs::AbstractArray{<:Ref}) = wrap_chainrules_input.(xs)
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(xs::AbstractArray{<:Union{Nothing, <:Ref}}) = wrap_chainrules_input.(xs) # no test invented for this
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(xs::AbstractArray{<:NamedTuple}) = wrap_chainrules_input.(xs)
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(xs::AbstractArray{<:Union{Nothing, <:NamedTuple}}) = wrap_chainrules_input.(xs)
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(dx::Ref) = wrap_chainrules_input(dx[])
# For arrays, whitelist the safe ones, but always look inside Any[]:
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(dxs::AbstractArray{<:Number}) = dxs
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(dxs::AbstractArray{<:AbstractArray{<:Number}}) = dxs
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(dxs::AbstractArray) = map(wrap_chainrules_input, dxs)

# Could `reinterpret` instead here? See issue 1112.
# One easy case, might be this:
@inline wrap_chainrules_input(xs::Base.ReinterpretArray{<:NamedTuple, <:Tangent}) = parent(xs)
# This is for `z2d` reinterpret below:
wrap_chainrules_input(::Type{Nothing}) = NoTangent
wrap_chainrules_input(::Type{NamedTuple{L,T}}) where {L,T} = NamedTuple{L,wrap_chainrules_input(T)}
@generated function wrap_chainrules_input(::Type{T}) where T<:Tuple
inner = map(wrap_chainrules_input, T.parameters)

_project(x, dx)
Expand All @@ -146,21 +179,13 @@ Also handles some Zygote-specific corrections, such as `x::Array, dx::Tuple`.
Safe to apply to arbitrary input.
@inline function _project(x, dx)
# Note that this use of `wrap_chainrules_input` has the primal `x`, so could
# avoid making `Tangent{Any}`, perhaps via `zygote2differential` -- TODO.
wrap_chainrules_output(ProjectTo(x)(zygote2differential(dx, x)))

# Restore splatted arrays
_project(x::AbstractArray, dx::Tuple) = _project(x, reshape(collect(dx), axes(x)))

# Piracy:
# wrap_chainrules_input doesn't handle array of Union{Int,Nothing}
(::ChainRulesCore.ProjectTo)(::Nothing) = ChainRulesCore.NoTangent()

# CRC likes Tangent{<:Complex}, but Zygote makes Tangent{Any}
(project::ProjectTo{<:Complex})(dx::Tangent) = project(Complex(,

# CRC likes Tangent{AbstractArray}, but Zygote makes Tangent{Any}
# in particular this would hit
# if we were not losing track of the Primal in the Tangent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,32 +261,85 @@ end
zygote2differential(dx, primal)
Convert input `dx` from the Zygote format to the ChainRules differential types.
This is similar to `wrap_chainrules_input(dx)`, but because it gets `primal::T`,
it can turn `NamedTuple`s into `Tangent{T}(...)` not `Tangent{Any}(...)`.
zygote2differential(x, primal) = z2d(x, primal)
zygote2differential(::Nothing, ::Any) = NoTangent()
zygote2differential(t::Tuple, primal::Tuple) = map(z2d, t, primal)
zygote2differential(t::Tuple, primal) = (@warn "primal should be a tuple, not $primal"; return t)
z2d(x, ::Any) = x

z2d(::Nothing, ::Any) = NoTangent()
z2d(a::AbstractArray{<:Number}, primal::AbstractArray{T}) where T = a
# Could probably `reinterpret` instead of broadcasting here -- TODO
z2d(a::AbstractArray, primal::AbstractArray{T}) where T = z2d.(a, primal)
z2d(::Tuple{Vararg{Nothing}}, ::Tuple) = NoTangent() # collapse all-zero case
z2d(dx, ::Any) = dx
z2d(dx::AbstractArray{<:Number}, primal::AbstractArray) = dx
z2d(dx::AbstractArray{<:AbstractArray{<:Number}}, primal::AbstractArray) = dx
z2d(dx::AbstractArray, primal::AbstractArray) = map(z2d, dx, primal)
# As an optimisation, we can convert by `reinterpret` for bitstypes, e.g. arrays of tuples of numbers
function z2d(dx::AbstractArray{S}, primal::AbstractArray{P}) where {S,P}
if isbitstype(S)
T = wrap_chainrules_input(S)
reinterpret(Tangent{P,T}, dx)
map(z2d, dx, primal)

# Note: this should never be hit if we are converting things right, but it seems to be
# happening in the wild for sufficiently weird functions/types.
# This fixes most (all?) cases, but it would be good to find what we miss.
z2d(x::Union{AbstractZero, Tangent}, ::Any) = return x
function z2d(t::Tuple, primal::Tuple)
tp::Tuple = map(z2d, t, primal)
primal_type = typeof(primal)
return canonicalize(Tangent{primal_type, typeof(tp)}(tp))

function z2d(delta::Tuple, primal::Tuple)
backing = map(z2d, delta, primal)
if backing isa Tuple{Vararg{AbstractZero}}
return NoTangent() # collapse all-zero case
return canonicalize(Tangent{typeof(primal), typeof(backing)}(backing))

function z2d(t::NamedTuple, primal)
primal_type = typeof(primal)
fnames = fieldnames(primal_type)
complete_t = NamedTuple{fnames}(fn in keys(t) ? t[fn] : nothing for fn in fnames)
primals = NamedTuple{fnames}(getfield(primal, fn) for fn in fnames)
tp::NamedTuple = map(z2d, complete_t, primals)
return canonicalize(Tangent{primal_type, typeof(tp)}(tp))
# Dict handling in Zygote is a mess... should this become a `Tangent{Dict,Dict}` ?
# Right now it uses a NamedTuple but not for fields of the AbstractDict struct
z2d(dx::NamedTuple, primal::AbstractDict) = dx

function z2d(delta::NamedTuple, primal::T) where T # arbitrart struct
fnames = fieldnames(T)
deltas = map(n -> get(delta, n, nothing), fnames)
primals = map(n -> getfield(primal, n), fnames)
inner = map(z2d, deltas, primals) # recurse into fields
if inner isa Tuple{Vararg{AbstractZero}}
return NoTangent() # collapse all-zero case
backing = NamedTuple{fnames}(inner)
return canonicalize(Tangent{T, typeof(backing)}(backing))

# Dict case matches signature for ambiguity reasons:
z2d(dx::NamedTuple{L,S}, primal::AbstractDict) where {L,S<:Tuple{Vararg{Union{Number,Nothing}}}} = dx
# On Julia <= 1.6, this fixes easy cases which do not require recursion into fields, e.g.
# @inferred Zygote.z2d((re=1, im=nothing), 3.0+im)
@generated function z2d(delta::NamedTuple{L,S}, primal::T) where {L,S<:Tuple{Vararg{Union{Number,Nothing}}}, T}
fnames = fieldnames(T)
deltas = map(fnames) do n
i = findfirst(isequal(n), L)
if i == nothing || S.parameters[i] == Nothing
if all(d -> d == :(NoTangent()), deltas)
return :(NoTangent()) # collapse all-zero case
return quote
backing = NamedTuple{$fnames}(($(deltas...),))
Tangent{$T, typeof(backing)}(backing)

z2d(dx::Ref, primal) = z2d(dx[], primal) # mutable structs
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/lib.jl
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Expand Up @@ -227,7 +227,8 @@ end
function back(Δ)
accum_param(__context__, val, Δ) === nothing && return
if isimmutable(x)
((; nt_nothing(x)..., pair(Val(f), Δ, x)...), nothing)
dx = (; nt_nothing(x)..., pair(Val(f), Δ, x)...)
(_project(x, dx), nothing)
dx = grad_mut(__context__, x)
dx[] = (; dx[]..., pair(Val(f), accum(getfield(dx[], f), Δ))...)
Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions test/chainrules.jl
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Expand Up @@ -349,3 +349,27 @@ end
@fastmath x^2.0
end == (4.0,)

@testset "zygote2differential inference" begin
@test @inferred(Zygote.z2d(1.0, 2.0)) isa Real
@test @inferred(Zygote.z2d([1,2,3], [4,5,6])) isa Vector
@test @inferred(Zygote.z2d((1, 2.0, 3+4im), (5, 6.0, 7+8im))) isa Tangent{<:Tuple}

# Below Julia 1.7, these need a @generated version to be inferred:
@test @inferred(Zygote.z2d((re=1,), 3.0+im)) isa Tangent{ComplexF64}
@test @inferred(Zygote.z2d((re=1, im=nothing), 3.0+im)) isa Tangent{ComplexF64}

# collapse nothings
@test @inferred(Zygote.z2d((nothing,), (1,))) === NoTangent()
@test @inferred(Zygote.z2d((nothing, nothing), (1,2))) === NoTangent()

# To test the generic case, we need a struct within a struct.
nested = Tangent{Base.RefValue{ComplexF64}}(; x=Tangent{ComplexF64}(; re=1, im=NoTangent()),)
if VERSION > v"1.7-"
@test @inferred(Zygote.z2d((; x=(; re=1)), Ref(3.0+im))) == nested
@test @inferred(Zygote.z2d((; x=(; re=nothing)), Ref(3.0+im))) === NoTangent()
@test Zygote.z2d((; x=(; re=1)), Ref(3.0+im)) == nested
@test Zygote.z2d((; x=(; re=nothing)), Ref(3.0+im)) === NoTangent()
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion test/compiler.jl
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Expand Up @@ -163,7 +163,9 @@ end
y, back = @inferred pullback(x -> x.m, g)
@test y == getfield(g, :m)
# This type instability is due to the handling of non-bitstypes in `accum_param`
@test Base.return_types(back, Tuple{Vector{Float64}}) == Any[Union{Tuple{Nothing}, typeof(((m = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], P = nothing),))}]
if VERSION > v"1.7-"
@test Base.return_types(back, Tuple{Vector{Float64}}) == Any[Union{Tuple{Nothing}, typeof(((m = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], P = nothing),))}]
@test back([1., 0, 0]) == ((m = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], P = nothing),)

Base.getproperty(g::Gaussian, s::Symbol) = 2getfield(g, s)
Expand Down
37 changes: 35 additions & 2 deletions test/features.jl
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Expand Up @@ -176,9 +176,13 @@ end

@test gradient(t -> t[1]*t[2], (2, 3)) == ((3, 2),)

@test gradient(x ->, 2+3im) === (1.0 + 0.0im,)
@test gradient(x ->, 2+3im) === (1.0 + 0.0im,) # one NamedTuple
@test gradient(x ->*, 2+3im) == (3.0 + 2.0im,) # two, different fields
@test gradient(x ->* +, 2+3im) == (4.0 + 2.0im,) # three, with accumulation

@test gradient(x ->*, 2+3im) == (3.0 + 2.0im,)
@test gradient(x -> abs2(x *, 4+5im) == (456.0 + 160.0im,) # gradient participates
@test gradient(x -> abs2(x * real(x)), 4+5im) == (456.0 + 160.0im,) # function not getproperty
@test gradient(x -> abs2(x * getfield(x, :re)), 4+5im) == (456.0 + 160.0im,)

struct Bar{T}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -418,6 +422,11 @@ end

@test gradient((x,y,z) -> sum((x,y,z)[1:2]), 7, 8.8, 9.9) == (1.0, 1.0, nothing)
@test gradient((x,y,z) -> sum((x,y,z)[[1,2,1]]), 1,2,3) == (2, 1, nothing)

@test gradient(xs -> sum(x -> x[2], xs), [(1,2,3), (4,5,6)]) == ([(nothing, 1.0, nothing), (nothing, 1.0, nothing)],)
@test gradient(xs -> sum(x -> prod(x[2:3]), xs), [(1,2,3), (4,5,6)]) == ([(nothing, 3.0, 2.0), (nothing, 6.0, 5.0)],)
@test gradient(xs -> sum(first, xs), fill((4,3),2)) == ([(1.0, nothing), (1.0, nothing)],)
@test gradient(xs -> sum(x -> abs2(x[1]), xs), fill((4,3),2)) == ([(8.0, nothing), (8.0, nothing)],)

@testset "@timed" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,6 +461,13 @@ end
@test gradient(x -> x.x^2 + x.x, Ref(3)) === ((x = 7.0,),)
@test gradient(x -> real(x.x^2 + im * x.x), Ref(4)) === ((x = 8.0,),)

# Field access of contents:
@test gradient(x -> abs2(x.x) + 7 *, Ref(1+im)) == ((x = 9.0 + 2.0im,),)
@test_broken gradient(x -> abs2(x[1].x) + 7 * x[1], [Ref(1+im)]) == ([(x = 9.0 + 2.0im,)],)
@test_broken gradient(x -> abs2(x[1].x) + 7 * real(x[1].x), [Ref(1+im)]) == ([(x = 9.0 + 2.0im,)],) # worked on 0.6.0, 0.6.20

@test_broken gradient(x -> abs2(x[].x) + 7 * real(x[].x), Ref(Ref(1+im))) == ((x = 9.0 + 2.0im,),) # gives nothing, same in 0.6.0

# Array of mutables:
@test gradient(x -> sum(getindex.(x).^2), Ref.(1:3))[1] == [(;x=2i) for i in 1:3]
@test gradient(x -> sum(abs2getindex, x), Ref.(1:3))[1] == [(;x=2i) for i in 1:3]
Expand All @@ -464,6 +480,17 @@ end
@test gradient(x -> sum(sum, Ref(x) .* [1,2,3]), [4,5]) == ([6.0, 6.0],)

@testset "NamedTuples" begin
@test gradient(x -> x.a, (a=1, b=2)) == ((a = 1, b = nothing),)
@test gradient(x -> x[1].a, [(a=1, b=2)]) == ([(a = 1, b = nothing)],)
@test gradient(x -> x[1].a, [(a=1, b=2), (a=3, b=4)]) == ([(a = 1, b = nothing), nothing],)

# Mix with Ref
@test gradient(x -> x[].a, Ref((a=1, b=2))) == ((x = (a = 1, b = nothing),),)
@test gradient(x -> x[1][].a, [Ref((a=1, b=2)), Ref((a=3, b=4))]) == ([(x = (a = 1, b = nothing),), nothing],)
@test gradient(x -> x[1].a, [(a=1, b=2), "three"]) == ([(a = 1, b = nothing), nothing],)

function type_test()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -692,4 +719,10 @@ end
@test gradient(x -> sum(gradient(y -> sum(y.^2), x)[1]), [1, 2])[1] [2, 2]
@test gradient(x -> sum(gradient(y -> sum(sin.(y)), x)[1]), [1, 2])[1] [-0.8414709848078965, -0.9092974268256817]
@test gradient(x -> sum(abs, gradient(y -> sum(log.(2 .* exp.(y)) .^ 2), x)[1]), [1, 2])[1] [2,2]

# getproperty, Tangents, etc
@test gradient(xs -> sum((x->^2).(xs)), [1+2im,3])[1] == [4im, 0]
@test gradient(xs -> sum((x->^2), xs), [1+2im,3])[1] == [4im, 0]
@test gradient(xs -> sum(map(x->^2, xs)), [1+2im,3])[1] == [4im, 0]
@test gradient(xs -> mapreduce(x->^2, +, xs), [1+2im,3])[1] == [4im, 0]
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test/gradcheck.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1878,6 +1878,18 @@ end
a = rand(3)
@test Zygote.gradient(x->sum(x .+ rand.()), a) == (ones(3),)

@testset "Zygote 660" begin
function example(x,N)
ax = axes(x)
extraAxe = ax[2+N:end]
filledLoc = fill(1, N)
return x[:, filledLoc..., extraAxe...]
y, back = pullback(example, randn(5,3,4,3), 2)
@test back(zero(y).=1) isa Tuple{Array{Float64,4}, Nothing}

@testset "CRC issue 440" begin
f(x,y) = sum(sum, [[x[i],y[i]] for i=1:length(x)])
Expand Down

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