445 commits
to master
since this release
Zygote v0.6.21
Closed issues:
- Relation to capstan and cassette.jl (#1)
- Error when taking gradient involving zeros(eltype(x), ...). (#72)
- Error when taking gradient involving a range broadcast (#73)
- Deprecation warning in tests (#76)
- Error when trying to define gradient for addition (#84)
- CUDA broadcast over * and + blows up taking gradient (#113)
- cholesky keywords (#121)
- Division causes
conversion in backward pass (#136) - differentiating over
x isa NTuple{<:Any, <:Integer}
causes julia crush (#158) - simple MLP gradient fails when dropout is included (#171)
- BoundsError in mutable array branch (#172)
- Trouble with reshape() (#187)
- simple broadcast not working (#195)
- Lazy adjoint/transpose gradient fails (#213)
- getindex for Adjoint does not back-propagate (#217)
- Add support for logpdf of Poisson (#281)
- Gradients for cumsum and cumprod (#282)
- Support for tuple and function argument destructuring (#303)
- Cannot differentiate through dictionary (#817)
- Scalar indexing error from GPU matmul against Zygote.OneElement (#1005)
- documentation seems stale because of CI failure (#1021)
- Typo in docs? (#1056)
- Second derivatives not working (#1067)
Merged pull requests: