A Streamlit app that lets users create a Digital Use Conditions (DUC) profile JSON file.
For more information about DUC please visit: https://github.com/Digital-Use-Conditions/
A demo of the app is available here: https://duc-profile-creator.azurewebsites.net/ (please wait several minutes for this free web service to boot)
On local host:
docker build -t duc-streamlit:latest .
docker run -p 8501:8501 duc-streamlit:latest
Guide: https://towardsdatascience.com/deploying-a-streamlit-web-app-with-azure-app-service-1f09a2159743
- Create Azure Contrainer Registry (ACR)
az acr create --name MyContainerRegistry --resource-group Data-Analytics-Resource-Group --sku basic --admin-enabled true
- Create Azure App Service Plan
az appservice plan create -g Data-Analytics-Resource-Group -n MyAppServicePlan -l canadacentral --is-linux --sku F1
- Build container image on registry
az acr build --registry MyContainerRegistry --image duc-streamlit .
- Deploy to Azure Service Apps
az webapp create -p MyAppServicePlan -g Data-Analytics-Resource-Group -n duc-streamlit -i MyContainerRegistry.azurecr.io/duc-streamlit:latest