- Black Text: made on Commits on Mar 6, 2018
- Disqus: alfredogmarquez.disqus.com
- sparkR -
- groupby with ifelse
- SparkR::read.df(path, "csv", inferSchema = "true")
- Baruta package (feature selection) on economic variables
- Economic Leading indicator Variables
- Transportation tonnage (FRED)
- TrelliscopeJS
- Tidy Time Series:
- tsibble
- fable
- feast
- mlr
- Counter Factuals and Causality
- What has been the impact of diseases that require socializing? Examples include but not limited to: Sexually transmitted disease (Chlamidia), the Flu? Others?
- Trend of Deaths as counter factual to evidence for COVID-19.
- Move Library to new version: type ] - for Pkg>, st - for package list.
- if no list with new version install: go to the environment path (below) of the old version, printed in st output. Copy, paste, and rename. You will need to rebuild them or they will when called.
- C:\Users\XXXXX.julia\environments:
- source: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/julia-v1-1-0-has-been-released/19911/4
- Package list: C:\Users\XXXXX.julia\packages