SoundLib (abbreviation of sound library), provides a site for users to upload their own music recordings.
- Better "User" view: need to added ways to modify user information.
- Forget password: send email to reset password.
- Database: need to add Recording and Composer database.
- Search: search entries from databases and show the result.
- Detailed view: detailed view of recordings, composers and users when clicking on entries.
- About page: add an about page.
- Admin page: have access to anything.
- Translations: support Chinse and English.
Clone the project, install all dependencies (django) manually, and run the server using command python runserver
to start. For production use, please run via uwsgi (see uwsgi.ini), which automatically configures the website to non-debug mode and runs silently in the background.
Django supports upload files, so this is not a big deal.
Django also supports advanced searching, considering similar vocabulary, weighted words and so on:
SoundLib only provides username-password registration. We will encrypt your password to sha256 hash values, so no one (even the developer of SoundLib) can spy on your private information.
Soundlib provides 4 different views.
- Time Line: this view lists recordings on a timeline in ascending order of upload time.
- Members: in this view, recordings are grouped by their uploader, a filter can be further adapted to find a specific user.
- Composers: recordings can also be classified by copmosers of the piece.
- Search: searching for anything you are interested in, including recordings, members and composers.
When an authenticated user want to upload a new recording, he or she can choose the "upload" tab and include required information in the form.
To be determined.