Click the following link to get started.
This is a online remote demonstration. So there's no installation required.
The tutorial has 3 parts:
- An introduction to jupyter notebooks
- A simple value exchange that sends pi (i.e. 3.14...) back and forth between two federates. To run it start both the notebooks in that folder simultaneously and go back and forth.
- An example transmission-distribution exchange between PyPower and OpenDSS via OpenDSSdirect. Similar to piexchange, this requires starting two notebooks simultaneously that each setup a federate and then interact via HELICS.
- In these examples the HELICS broker is setup by one of the federates programatically. It is also possible (and perhaps more common for large co-simulations) to start the broker directly using the executable provided by HELICS and then have federates attach.
- Similarly these examples illustrate configuring the federates and their data exchange programatically. It is also possible to put this configuration information in a file and have HELICS read it in, which can make it easy to use the same federate code to be re-used as multiple different federates.
- For larger co-simulations, the helics-cli helps manage the process of configuring and starting a large number of federates.
If you are interested in running this demonstration on your computer, you can follow the installation steps below.
- Install Miniconda3
- Run the following
git clone
cd pesgm-2019-helics-tutorial
conda install jupyter
conda install nb_conda
conda env create
conda init bash # use your appropriate shell here
conda activate helics-environment
jupyter notebook
You can check if everything has been installed correctly by running the following to start Python:
conda activate helics-environment
When Python has started you can run the following:
>>> import helics as h
>>> h.helicsGetVersion()
pesgm-2019-helics-tutorial is distributed under the terms of the BSD-3 clause license. All new contributions must be made under this license. LICENSE
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause