- Laptop model: Aspire E 15 E5 575 52BT Aspire E15 on acer website
- KERNEL: x86_64 Linux 5.0.10-arch1-1-ARCH
- CPU: Intel Core i5-7200U @ 4x 3.1GHz
- GPU: Intel HD Graphics 620
- RAM: 8 GB DDR4
- SSD: 128 GB
- HDD: 1 TB
- Archlinux
- Graphics Server: X
- Desktop environment: i3wm
- i3status
- Shell: fish
- ~1483 packages installed
- Technologies
- Node.js
- Java 10
- Docker
- Python3
- Ruby
- Lua
- Tools
- sharenix or other equivalent tool
- Take a (full/region) screenshot, store it on /tmp
- Upload it on lefuturiste server or on imgur if failed
- Copy url in clipboard
- Ability to manage last images saved (CRUD)
- In gnome file manager or others, have a way to get the last image quickely to be uploaded
- ssher (cli as node package)
- batterytator (battery monitoring solutions)
- Jetbrains
- PHPStorm
- Idea
- CLion
- PyCharm
- Chromium
- Firefox developer edition
- Insomnia
- VSCode
- Subl3
- feh (image viewer)
- Tunderbird
- Discord
- Spotify
- Android Studio
- Arduino IDE
- GitKraken
- Audacity
- Shotcut
- FileZilla
- Mongodb compass
- Pulse Audio
- Etcher
- Inkscape
- xflux (Xorg version of https://justgetflux.com/)
- MySQL client: mycli.net
- sharenix or other equivalent tool
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C [email]
optionaly, add to ssh agent:
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
more: Github docs
sudo arp-scan --interface=wlp2s0
when double monitors: xrandr --output HDMI-1 --right-of eDP-1
when single montor: xrand --auto
First list all the audio devices available and grep the name and index:
pacmd list-sinks | grep -E 'index:|name:'
Then switch the defautl sink with the audio device index for new apps:
pacmd set-default-sink $index
Then you have to switch all the existing app which output sound now
- List all the applications using sound and apply a filter to only see the name and index:
pacmd list-sink-inputs | awk '/index:/{print $2}
- And just switch this app to the new device id:
pacmd move-sink-input $appId $sinkId
- List all the applications using sound and apply a filter to only see the name and index:
use pactl set-sink-volume $sinkId $absoluteOrRelativeValue
see volume.sh
Use playerctl
You can use nmcli
util to show a gui
nmcli device
nmcli device wifi connect {ssid} password {password}
xflux -l 49.1754262 -g 1.3301737
Use the XMousePasteBlock package.
Install with yay
: yay xmousepasteblock
Then create a systemd service or put the xmousepasteblock
command in startup script.
Use the rofi-theme-selector
Install xeventbind from aur/xeventbind-git
in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "system-keyboard"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
Option "XkbLayout" "us_qwerty-fr"
#Option "XkbOptions" "caps:swapescape"
Option "XkbOptions" "caps:none"
- Use the qwerty-fr keyboard layout
- Remapped caplocks to escape action: because I use vim a lot, I needed a quick way to access the Escape key (to for example exit insert mode).
- Remapped escape to backtick action (to access it quickely and make use of the escape key as I don't need the caplock action)
I use the script in ./scripts/remap.sh
to setup the remap.
However the remap is "forgot" everytime I go to suspend mode or change my keyboard I have to resolve it by some kind of hack.
To hook into systemd, I created a script ./scripts/systemd_sleep_hook.sh
that reside in /lib/systemd/system-sleep/
I also forced the script to run after i3lock unlocked.
Procedure to install a new workstation with this config (or in case of a fire):
- install archlinux on the computer
- make sure basic archlinux commands works
- install git via pacman:
pacman -S git yay
- clone dot repository
- install all the others packages using yay (will take a long long time)
- run auto config scripts