- The PubFig database is a large, real-world face dataset consisting of 58,797 images of 200 people collected from the internet
- Due to copyright issues, we cannot distribute image files in any format to anyone. Instead, we have made available a list of image URLs where you can download the images yourself
- HomePage: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/CAVE/databases/pubfig/
- 该脚本是一个简单的多线程程序,用来下载PubFig提供的图片
- 下载失败的图片信息会放入文件 dev_failed_urls.txt、eval_failed_urls.txt
- 从PubFig下载页面下载图片url列表文件dev_urls.txt和eval_urls.txt
- 执行 python pub_down-multi.py dev 或者 python pub_down-multi.py eval 即可下载对应类型数据集
- 线程数量:默认下载线程数量为50个,可以打开pub_down-multi.py修改参数numConsumerThread