This is a collection of short Python scripts to solve and automate tasks and simplify any work.
- Fork and clone this repo.
- Add any python script which should be able to solve a particular day-to-day task or to automate any monotonous task, in short add the scripts that might be useful for others.
- Push your code to the master branch.
- Write a short description of your script and mention the dependencies in the file.
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Python 3.5+
Sr. No. | Folder Name | Description | Requirements(if any) |
1 | GeneratePassword | A program to generate random passwords | None |
2 | AutoWhatsapp | A program to spam messages to a whatsapp contact any number of times | Sellenium, Chrome web browser |
3 | AutoLinkedIn | A program to automate the LinkedIn connection requests sending. | Sellenium, Chrome web browser |
4 | PDFDownloader | A program to download PDF files off the internet. | None |
5 | FileMan | A simple Command line tool to manipulate files and directories and perform repetitive tasks like creating multiple directories fast and easy. | None |
6 | WebWordCounter | A simple script that counts how many times a word appears on a web page. | None |
7 | FileDuplicateFinder | A script that looks into all files under one or more directories and reports which are duplicates. | None |
8 | ImageScraper | A program to pull all the images from the given URL. | BeautifulSoup4 |
9 | DateIterator | A simple script that prints out all the dates in a given year. | None |
10 | WebsiteMonitor | Monitor a website for a seach term. When it shows up, send yourself an e-mail. | Requests |
11 | RevereLookup | Takes an input list of ip addresses and does a reverse lookup for dns information and org information and writes to a csv file. | None |
12 | AutoScreenshot | Automatically take a screenshot of the desktop and email it to yourself every x seconds | pyautogui, smtplib, ssl, email, getpass |
13 | FileLocator | For given directory location find size and path of all files of a particular extension present in directory (including sub-directories). | |
14 | FindIPAddress | Find your host name and IP address. | None |
15 | MostCommonEmail | Seeking email that sent the most emails from email logs (text file) | None |
16 | Renaming files of a folder | Python script to rename files especially images in this example in a folder | None |
17 | GraphicCalculator | For given math function, constructs a graphic. | None |
18 | Lorem Ipsum Generator | Basically it generate new Lorem Ipsum text with paragraph wise that can be used as dummy text. | None |
19 | ImageSizeConvertor | A python script to change the image size of one or any number of images in a directory in which the script is placed to a user defined size using image processing by openCV. | Python 3.5+,OpenCV 2 |
20 | Instagram Liker | A script to log in to Instagram and Like as many pictures as you want from the top photos of a particular hashtag. | nltk, pandas, sklearn, Sellenium |
21 | IntentionTextDiscover | For given a text intention class based on bayes teorem. | None |
22 | E-Certificate Writer | Useful for writing names of participants on E-Certificates using Python3. Returns the certificates in PDF format. | img2pdf==0.3.3, numpy==1.17.2, pandas==0.25.1, Pillow==6.2.0, python-dateutil==2.8.0, pytz==2019.3, six==1.12.0 |
23 | YouTubeDownloader | You can download YouTube videos with the URLs provided. | pytube==9.5.3 |
24 | SendEmail | Send email using Python. Prompts the user for their email address and sends to address input. Handles user's password securely using getpass . |
None |
25 | GenerateSyntheticCustomerDatabase | Generate a mock (synthetic) dataset of arbitrary length with 'customers'. This includes their names, credit card details and hashed passwords. This is all synthetic, so no data breach here! | mimesis, scipy, pandas, numpy |
26 | CryptocurrencyPrices | Command line utility for getting price of cryptocurrency with python | re, requests, time, BeautifulSoup4 |
27 | AutoCursorHover | Python script for continues hover of the cursor to keep you online all the time | pyautogui package |
28 | ITBookDownloader | Python script for searching through and downloading PDF version of books from sites like link multiple times | Selenium |
29 | CoV-Updates-Emailer | Arrangements have been made so that the script would automatically trigger itself off every morning and send an email to all the subscribers regarding the latest CoV pandemic stats about their district (like active cases, confirmed cases, recovered cases and deceased cases). Read more about it in the README. | requests, json, smtplib, email, string |