This project presents a platform that enables users to create web tests using a restricted natural language or a UI-based editor.
- Test metadata management
- UI or code-based editor
- View and replay previous runs
- View live test execution with real-time updates
In order to setup the project, you will need a stable version of Docker and Docker Compose.
We provide a compose.yml
file in order to run containers for each service in this project. It is highly recommended you run the services using Docker.
After installing Docker and Docker Compose, you can simply go ahead and run the following commands.
git clone && cd fyp/
cd api && dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration && cd ..
docker compose up # Start the services
Now, you should have all the services up and running.
This part of the documentation is deprecated and unmaintained. It will be removed soon. It is highly recommended to run the project with Docker. See Docker Installation for more information.
If you wish to setup the project manually, you could start by cloning the repository.
git clone && cd fyp/
cd client
npm install # install dependencies
npm run dev # serve the React application on port 5173
cd api
dotnet restore
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration && \
dotnet ef datbase update
dotnet build
In order to run the EF migration, you should have already installed PostrgeSQL and have the server up and running.
Before running the API, please note the it is required to install rnlc
compiler, since it is invoked by the API. Check out the documentation for installation guidelines.
Download and install the latest release of the compiler. Add it to the PATH
environment variable to have global access as a CLI tool.
Check th official Redis documentation for the installation instructions.
Run the redis server using redis-cli
Check Setting up Selenium Grid to run the Selenium Grid server.
Finally, you can go ahead and run the following command.
dotnet run