- Discovery of all backup tasks (VM, Physical server, SMB and PC)
- Item - Status of backup task
- Item - Transferred bytes
- Item - Start time backup
- Item - End time backup
- Trigger - Backup operation error
- Enable SSH on Synology
- Create the scheduled task on your Synology that exports data from the Active Backup for Business database to a CSV file, paste the two commands in the task (change paths in bold to Active Backup/config location and location for exported CSV files):
sqlite3 -header -csv /volumeX/@ActiveBackup/activity.db "select config_device_id, device_name, status, transfered_bytes, time_start, time_end from (SELECT * FROM device_result_table ORDER BY config_device_id) GROUP BY config_device_id;" | awk '{gsub(/"/,"")};1' > /volumeX/sharename/ActiveBackupExport.csv
sqlite3 -header -csv /volumeX/@ActiveBackup/config.db "select device_id, host_name, backup_type from device_table" | awk '{gsub(/"/,"")};1' > /volumeX/Server/ActiveBackupHostExport.csv
- Let this scheduled task run every 10mins (adjust as you wish)
Synology scheduled tasks: https://www.synology.com/en-global/knowledgebase/DSM/help/DSM/AdminCenter/system_taskscheduler
- Import value mapping - Synology_ABB_ValueMapping.xml
- Import template - Synology_ABB_Template.xml
- Add template to Synology host
- Configure template macros (SSH & CSV path)