Rasa Core Chatbot
Install Rasa core and create simple chatbot in windows
Install python3 latest version
Install Rasa core
Create a virtual environment virtualenv venv Successfully created the virtual environment
Activate the virtual environment .\venv\Scripts\activate
Install Rasa core pip install rasa
rasa installed successfully
Create project i. rasa init
successfully created the project and running Customize the chatbot
nlu.md stories.md domain.yml we need change these 3 files
nlu.md what is intent? train data or keywords we need add in this files
domain.yml now we need to set response values
create templates and add in actions also we need to add the intent
stories.md now we need to make stories based on the intent and response
##intent name
action name train rasa rasa train - successfully trained
run project rasa shell
now ask the intent questions
successfully running as we specified in the nlu and stories
Create Custom actions
create intent -> add in domain.yml create custom actions in actions.py and add in domain.yml file make stories in stories.md file rasa train open new cmd prompt and run actions rasa run actions run rasa core & add the endpoints rasa shell --endpoints endpoints.yml successfully created custom action
Custom UI for rasa chatbot
i have created the custom UI and added in the chatbot folder
index.html-> chat ui added
script.js -> using for ajax call to python chatbot
Lets view the ajax call
start the chatbot in cmd prompt
rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" --debug
successfully added the UI in chatbot