I'm a web developer from Taiwan :)
Name: 張文相 Wenxiang Zhang
Nickname: 旋風之音 GoneTone
原神祈願卡池分析 Genshin Impact Wish Gacha Analyzer | A utility for analyzing gacha history, where all data and numbers are well-organized in a convenient manner!
GoneTone Discord Bot 指南 | GoneTone Bot 是一隻由台灣開發者 旋風之音 GoneTone 所開發的 Discord 機器人
TypeScript 1
Line Bot 基礎範例程式碼教學 (PHP) - 輕量版 LINEBotTiny.php
Get YouTube channel or video id by url!
A unofficial Node.js library for HoYoWiki API, can get the details of Genshin Impact items!
Access Google Play by logging in and making requests as an Android device!