Scripts written for personal use in FreeBSD jails.
automates spliting flac + cue rip into separete flac files w/ tags.
this script does not delete original files. delete them manually.
requires installation of: cuetools shntool flac bash
Usage: [option...] [path_to/file.flac]
-c, --cue xyz name of cue file
-t, --template xyz output name template, use 'man shnsplit' for info, default:'%n_-_%t'
-d, --directory output directory, defaults to input file
-s, disables prompts and picks 1st detected file, use for scripts, run at your own risk
ex: find . -name *.flac | xargs -I '{}' ~/scripts/ -s '{}'
flac-split dirty adaptation for ape. converts main ape to flac and then splits like flac-split. requires installation of: cuetools shntool flac bash ffmpeg this script does not delete tmp flac file or original files.
!!! atm not sure if pregap deletion works correctly with this one and probably never gonna test/fix it. probably the easiest fix is proper name conversion to first flac (at the end of the script).
automaticly updates/upgrades pkg in running iocage jails and prompts to restart them afterwards for some reason doesnt work on basejails, hence they excluded atm. you can update your plugins manually.
Usage: [options...]
-u args, --update_args args pass-trught args to pkg update
-g args, --upgrade_args args pass-trught args to pkg upgrade
-q quick, dont run pkg update
-e arg, jail to exclude from upgrade. only 1 jail atm
-r arg, --restart_type arg choose jail restart type from:
A - restart all jails with boot=1, U - restart only upgraded jails,
Y - manual restart of upgraded jails, N - don't restart jails