- 🔭 I’m currently working on recreating a daily journal through HTML, CSS, & JavaScript.
- 🌱 I’m currently improving my JavaScript & React skills.
- 🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on anything, but especially something that can help people!
I've got a background in hospitality, videography, and client management. I bartended for 4+ years where I helped lead a large team of talented individuals, competed in local and national competitions and landed my dream job in San Diego way back when! Then I ran my own wedding videography business for 3+ years where I learned a lot of time management skills, technical skills, and improved on my communication and so much more.
My interests and hobbies are all over the place, but I especially love the outdoors, physical activities like biking, climbing, (although I don't do much of these things anymore 🥲), and dogs! I'd love to create something that would improve someone's experience in one of those things.