Part of HES-V2
HackerSchool HES driver written in Go
Original driver with config utility
$ got get -u
The controller can be plugged in before or after running the driver, it will scan for COM ports every 10 seconds.
Linux and Mac users:
sudo $GOPATH/bin/go-hes
Without sudo, the driver will fail to send keys.
Windows users:
Double click executable in %GOPATH%/bin
Linux and Mac users:
$GOPATH/bin/go-hes config
Windows Users
%GOPATH%\bin\go-hes config
- Pressing select 5 consecutive times closes the driver
- HTML based config utility
To use multiple HES you should connect all of the gamepads desired and run the driver
"a": keybd.VK_A,
"b": keybd.VK_B,
"c": keybd.VK_C,
"d": keybd.VK_D,
"e": keybd.VK_E,
"f": keybd.VK_F,
"g": keybd.VK_G,
"h": keybd.VK_H,
"i": keybd.VK_I,
"j": keybd.VK_J,
"k": keybd.VK_K,
"l": keybd.VK_L,
"m": keybd.VK_M,
"n": keybd.VK_N,
"o": keybd.VK_O,
"p": keybd.VK_P,
"q": keybd.VK_Q,
"r": keybd.VK_R,
"s": keybd.VK_S,
"t": keybd.VK_T,
"u": keybd.VK_U,
"v": keybd.VK_V,
"w": keybd.VK_W,
"x": keybd.VK_X,
"y": keybd.VK_Y,
"z": keybd.VK_Z,
"0": keybd.VK_0,
"1": keybd.VK_1,
"2": keybd.VK_2,
"3": keybd.VK_3,
"4": keybd.VK_4,
"5": keybd.VK_5,
"6": keybd.VK_6,
"7": keybd.VK_7,
"8": keybd.VK_8,
"9": keybd.VK_9,
"up": keybd.VK_UP,
"down": keybd.VK_DOWN,
"left": keybd.VK_LEFT,
"right": keybd.VK_RIGHT,
"esc": keybd.VK_ESC,
"space": keybd.VK_ENTER,