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Language Detection in Hinglish

Code for CSCI 544 Final Project for Group 20

Group Members:

  • Abhiruchi Patil
  • Harshitha Belagavi Rajaprakash
  • Mithesh Ramachandran
  • Sidh Satam
  • Deepayan Sur
  • Bhavik Upadhyay


The project focuses on Language Detection (LD) in Code-Switched data for English and low-resource Indian languages, particularly Hindi. The primary objective is to address challenges associated with analyzing multilingual and code-switched (CS) text, where code-switching involves alternating between two or more languages within a conversation or discourse. To illustrate, consider the example:

(a) Main topic of today’s discussion.

(b) Main aaj waterpark gaya.

In this example, (a) represents an English sentence, while (b) is a Hindi-English CS sentence. The word "Main" in (b) stands for ’me’ in Hindi, despite sharing the same spelling as its English counterpart. The project aims to bolster language processing systems in handling complex linguistic phenomena by utilizing spell-checking, sub-word embeddings, and machine learning algorithms. Developing a Feature Network incorporating surface characteristics and monolingual sentence vector representations enhances overall system performance, especially with fewer training instances. While emphasizing LD, the impact of these embeddings extends to various NLP tasks like named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and machine translation. Cross-language embeddings enhance multilingual model performance, advancing cross-lingual NLP applications. Additionally, the project evaluates the utility of these embeddings in Sentiment Analysis (SA), which is particularly beneficial for languages lacking extensive labeled datasets or sophisticated pre-trained models. The code used in this research is made available [1].



Figure [fig:methodology] provides an overview of the approach taken in this paper. The following subsections describe these steps in detail.


In this project, three datasets were utilized, the first being the IIITH Hindi-English CS dataset with sentiment annotations, which contains 3,879 sentences annotated for the sentiment. The second dataset is the Linguistic Code-switching Evaluation (LinCE) dataset , a centralized benchmark for multiple code-switched language pairs annotated for various NLP tasks. This dataset contains 7,421 sentences. The third dataset is the L3Cube-MeCorpus is a large CS Marathi-English corpus with 5 million social media sentences.


The study by posited the notion that developing multilingual embeddings could potentially enhance LD within a low-resource environment. The objective was to encompass frequently occurring words in a manner that determines their significance while simultaneously ensuring diversity among sub-words to minimize redundant information capture, thereby constructing a valuable and varied sub-word vocabulary list. To achieve this, the model architecture proposed by was referenced, employing a sentence piece model for sub-word generation and subsequent embedding creation.

SentencePiece functions as an unsupervised text tokenizer and detokenizer specifically tailored for neural network-based text generation systems, where the vocabulary size is predetermined prior to neural model training. This method implements subword units, such as byte-pair encoding (BPE) and unigram language model, augmenting these with direct training from raw sentences. It is crucial to note that SentencePiece treats sentences purely as sequences of Unicode characters, devoid of language-specific logic. In our project, using sentence piece models was instrumental in generating embeddings. While the labeling of each word’s language within a given utterance was imperative, it was equally crucial to incorporate contextual information from surrounding words. This step aimed to tackle challenges arising from orthographic similarities between words in different languages and the existence of out-of-vocabulary tokens. A BiLSTM model was employed to address these complexities, mirroring the experimental setup proposed .

FastText, developed by Facebook’s AI Research (FAIR) lab , presents a groundbreaking approach to word embeddings by leveraging sub-word information, such as character-level n-grams. This methodology is particularly advantageous in capturing complex morphology and effectively handling out-of-vocabulary words, which proves beneficial for languages featuring diverse word forms. FastText excels in processing extensive text data and accommodating varied linguistic structures. Its versatility renders it invaluable across applications like SA, LD, and document categorization, owing to its innovative sub-word modeling that significantly influences the landscape of NLP. FastText addresses the challenges diverse languages pose and bolsters the robustness of language processing systems. Motivated by these advantages, we integrated an additional embedding layer utilizing FastText to encapsulate contextual information and other linguistic structural properties. Subsequently, these embeddings replaced the SentencePiece embedding layer within a simple BiLSTM model, allowing for a richer representation of linguistic nuances and contextual information and enhancing the model’s comprehension and adaptability across diverse language structures.

In exploring NLP embedding options, we evaluated prominent models, including mBERT and Word2Vec. Google’s Word2Vec excels in generating dense vector representations, capturing semantic relationships vital for NLP tasks. However, integrating it with BiLSTM models faced challenges in handling multilingual data. Multilingual BERT (mBERT) , designed for diverse languages, exhibited superior performance in cross-lingual sentiment analysis (SA) and language detection (LD). However, limited data posed challenges for low-resourced languages like Hindi, resulting in unsatisfactory performance. The small Hindi corpus constrained mBERT’s vocabulary and hindered effective model training. Resource constraints prohibited continuous training or starting from scratch with a BERT-base, complicating optimal performance achievement. It is crucial to overcome these challenges to improve the effectiveness of pre-trained models like mBERT in settings with restricted language resources.

Model Architecture

The constructed model for this project comprises a singular BiLSTM layer, utilizing the subword embeddings from the different embedding models described in the previous subsection as the input. Figure 1 illustrates this model.

Model Architecture for Language Detection

Results and Discussions

Languages (LinCE dataset) Baseline BiLSTM ELMo Our Work
Hindi-English (SentencePiece) 92.34% 96.21% 96.19%
Hindi-English (FastText) 92.34% 96.21% 95.80%
Nepali-English (SentencePiece) 93.29% 96.19% 96.31%
Nepali-English (FastText) 93.29% 96.19% 94.70%

Observably, a substantial improvement in accuracy was achieved using a simplistic BiLSTM model using embedding layers focusing on subword generation as opposed to the baseline BiLSTM models used in . This positive outcome prompts expectations of further enhancements when integrating state-of-the-art (SOTA) BERT models into the system, thereby potentially amplifying performance metrics. We can see the model with sentence-piece embeddings performing marginally better than the model with Fasttext embeddings as SentencePiece focuses on subword tokenization and encoding, making it useful for handling various languages and out-of-vocabulary words. On the other hand, FastText is more oriented towards word and text representation using embeddings.

Findings and Conclusions

Model Architecture for Sentiment Analysis

Pretrained Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis

Feature Network: For SA, exploiting syntactic cues in code-switched text enhances understanding beyond semantic information. introduced a feature network incorporating additional sentence-level features as follows: (i) capitalized words, (ii) words with repeated last letters, (iii) repeated punctuation, and (iv) exclamation marks at the end. They also proposed calculating aggregate positive and negative sentiment polarity scores using SentiWordNet on each word. This Feature Network is concatenated with the output of the LSTM layers and fed to the following Dense layers.

Model Architecture: As illustrated in figure 2, the proposed architecture consists of two major parts. The first part utilizes pre-trained subword embeddings generated by Google’s sentence-piece model. For the second part, we use FastText embeddings trained on our dataset. Following this, two BiLSTM layers are added. For both types of embeddings, self-attention is applied to infer the dominating features in both embeddings separately. The outputs are concatenated and passed through another self-attention mechanism, allowing the model to learn a hierarchical representation of the input sequence, with attention to both the word and sentence level. The output is concatenated with the feature network and passed through a series of dense layers to obtain the prediction.

Results: Using a subword embedding model trained on a larger corpus using sentence-piece as well as one trained on the main dataset for SA using FastText, we achieved an F1 score of 0.81, beating the baseline approach of (0.71), while utilizing an otherwise similar architecture for the classification model. Further, this score was close to the benchmark set by (0.83). We also showed that using a simple BiLSTM model gave a poor F1 of 0.46 and did not seem to work in the case of Hindi-English CS data; however, adding the Feature Network to a simple BiLSTM improved the score by a small amount (0.01). Additional details are available in appendix 6.

Language Detection: Cross-Language Embeddings

We leveraged a substantial corpus to explore patterns and characteristics within language families. Our research showed us that insights gained from one linguistic group can be effectively applied to another. We concentrated on two distinct language families: Aryan languages (Hindi, Marathi, Konkani, and Nepali) and Romantic languages (Latin, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese). When two languages are similar and belong to the same language family, they may have common phonology, indicating possible common fragments of words; sub-word embeddings can be useful in capturing this information. For our project, we used the L3Cube Marathi corpus, which has around 5 Million code-switched sentences. We then used these embeddings on the Hindi and Nepali LinCE datasets and achieved validation accuracies close to and in some cases, beating the baseline metrics. Details for these results are available in appendix 6. We could identify commonalities and differences across these language groups by employing this comparative approach. This observation highlights the possibility of applying linguistic information across diverse language families.

Preprocessing - Spell Check for Code Switched Data

Various methods were applied to enrich the diversity of CS word variations. The process involved introducing noise as an additional vowel to words, randomly deleting a vowel, providing multiple possible endings and variations for words based on phonetic pronunciation, and applying linguistic concepts such as nasalization. These processes were combined to generate diverse CS words, establishing mappings between the original and modified forms. Identifying the most frequently occurring words in a given set of sentences and correcting misspelled words based on created mappings were also part of the approach. We also calculated the percentage difference between the datasets before and after variation handling. We manually inspected a sample of the variations to ensure correct implementation, achieving a 5% difference.

We tested the preprocessing methodology on FastText on Hindi and Nepali LinCE datasets. We were able to improve on the baseline BiLSTM results presented by and our implementation of their work. Observably, a substantial improvement in accuracy was achieved when using a simplistic BiLSTM mode with a specialized embedding focussing on the subwords. This positive outcome prompts expectations of further enhancements when integrating state-of-the-art (SOTA) BERT models into the system, thereby potentially amplifying performance metrics. Details for these results are available in appendix 6.

Future Scope

Future studies could concentrate on improving pre-training approaches and investigating practical implementations such as Extend M-BERT. Hybrid models, integrating handwritten rules with deep learning, promise enhanced efficiency. Seamless alignment of bilingual embeddings at word and sentence levels is crucial, aiding nuanced semantic capture across languages. This alignment facilitates effective knowledge transfer, particularly for low-resource languages. Attention to robust text normalization methods, emphasizing ethical considerations, addressing biases, and promoting inclusivity in NLP applications is also essential. Research should prioritize generalized embeddings tailored for diverse NLP tasks, contributing to the field’s advancement.

Appendix: Additional Results

Detailed tables of results are presented in this section. Table [tab:SAResults] illustrates the results obtained through our experiments on Sentiment Analysis on the IIITH dataset. Table [tab:CrossLangResults] describes the results of performing Language Detection on various language pairs from LinCE using Cross Language Embeddings as well as using preprocessing methods as described earlier.

Embedding Method Classification Model F1
ACCMT (Mukherjee et al.) 0.7093
CMSA (Lal et al.) 0.827
FastText + SentencePiece Modified ACCMT + Feature Network 0.8081
FastText BiLSTM 0.4653
FastText BiLSTM + Feature Network 0.4744
Test Language Embedding Method Baseline Accuracy (15 epochs)
Without preprocessing With preprocessing
Hindi FastText 92.34% 93.37% 93.58%
Hindi Word2Vec 92.34% 92.25% 93.37%
Nepali FastText 93.29% 90.54% 92.08%
Nepali Word2Vec 93.29% 87.02% 88.42%



CSCI 544 Project






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