Screeps Observer is an unofficial client for Screeps for iOS. (No Android version planned at the moment)
The main repo is not open source at this time but issues with the app can be reported here.
Want to help test and give feedback? Join the beta through TestFlight:
Feel free to create issues here or discuss in the Screeps slack in the #client-dev channel or dm me @Helam
Current features (list may not be complete):
- Room/map viewing:
- Rooms are viewed in the context of the map, zoom into a room on the map and it switches to the detailed room view with the map level detail rooms still surrounding it. Zoom back out and it switches back to map detail.
- Map stats with more options than the main client (Example: show owner, mineral, and claimable all at the same time)
- View room details by tapping a room on the map (supposed to show same or more info than when hovering over a room on the map in the main client)
- View object details by tapping a room object (Some details are probably missing but the intent is to show all the same info or more than the side bar shows when clicking an object in the main client)
- Type a room name to jump to that room
- MMO and Private servers
- Save multiple private servers and connect to your server of choice with one tap.
- Profile
- Enter player name to see their profile
- GCL/GPL level or percentage
- Expansion/Power ranks and points
- Rooms
- Stats
- Leaderboards
- Expansion and Power leaderboard
- See past ranks for the viewed player
- MISSING: view past leaderboards
- Console
- Basic syntax highlighting in command prompt
- Editable command history
- Viewable from profile and from map
- When viewed on the map can be made transparent and can be locked to move the console beneath the interaction layer for the map
- Respawning
- Respawn
- Name and place first spawn
- Room visuals
- Toggle visuals from the map settings
- Should support all visuals except some font styling
- Flags
- Toggle flags from map settings
- Create and place flags with name and colors
- Remove flags
- Change flag colors
- Change flag positions
- Construction sites
- Create and place construction sites
- Name spawns
- Remove construction sites
- Other manual interactions (suicide creep, destroy structure, safe mode, etc)
- Destroy structure
- Activate safe mode
- Unclaim controller
- Suicide creep
- More to come!
- May add a roadmap in the future. I have a list of ideas and features i'd like to add as well as some bugs that need to be fixed.
- Please share your ideas/feedback/suggestions/issues etc. I've gotten lots of good ideas from testers so far and I really appreciate it.